
The sum of 18 consecutive odd integers is a perfect fifth power of n.

If p is the smallest first number of the series,

then the product np=?


arithmetic progression:

\(\begin{array}{|lcll|} \hline p + 0 \cdot 2,~ p + 1 \cdot 2,~ p+ 2 \cdot 2,~ p+ 3 \cdot 2,~\ldots,~ p+ 17 \cdot 2 \\ p,~ p +2,~ p+ 4,~ p+ 6,~ \ldots,~ p+ 34 \\ \hline \end{array}\)


sum of a arithmetic progression:

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline && a_1 = p \qquad a_m = p+34 \qquad d = 2 \\\\ s_m &=& \left( \frac{a_1+a_m}{2} \right) \cdot m \\ \hline \end{array} \)


\(\begin{array}{rcll} s_{18} &=& \left( \frac{p+(p+34)}{2} \right) \cdot 18 \\ s_{18} &=& \left( \frac{2p+34}{2} \right) \cdot 18 \\ s_{18} &=& (p+17) \cdot 18 \\ s_{18} &=& 18p+17\cdot 18 \quad & | \quad s_{18} = n^5 \\ n^5 &=& 18p+17\cdot 18 \\ n^5 - 17\cdot 18 &=& 18p \quad & | \quad : 18 \\ \frac{n^5}{18} - 17 &=& p \\ p&=& \dfrac{n^5}{18} - 17 \quad & | \quad 18 = 2^1 \cdot 3^2 \\\\ p&=& \dfrac{n^5}{2^1 \cdot 3^2} - 17 \quad & | \quad n = 2^i\cdot 3^j \\\\ p&=& \dfrac{(2^i\cdot 3^j)^5}{2^1 \cdot 3^2} - 17 \\\\ p&=& \dfrac{2^{5i}\cdot 3^{5j}}{2^1 \cdot 3^2} - 17 \\\\ p&=& 2^{5i-1}\cdot 3^{5j-2} - 17 \\\\ p_{\text{min}}&=& 2^{5i-1}\cdot 3^{5j-2} - 17 \quad & | \quad p_{\text{min}} \text{ if }i = 1 \text{ and } j = 1 \\\\ p_{\text{min}}&=& 2^{4}\cdot 3^{3} - 17 \\ p_{\text{min}}&=& 16\cdot 27 - 17 \\ \mathbf{p_{\text{min}}}& \mathbf{=}& \mathbf{415} \\\\ n &=& 2^i\cdot 3^j \quad & | \quad i = 1 \text{ and } j = 1 \\ n &=& 2^1\cdot 3^1 \\ \mathbf{n}& \mathbf{=}& \mathbf{6} \\\\ n\cdot p &=& 6\cdot 415 \\ &=& 2490 \end{array}\)



Dec 11, 2017
Dec 10, 2017

This will  not be exact  and I'm using degrees 


Because we have 365 days......then each  day will be 360 / 365  =  (72/73)°......thus, the funkiness of the measurements....!!!!


I'm using the sine function, here.....


The midline of this function will be    [15.3 + 8.7] / 2  =  24/2  = 12


The amplitude  is  3.3....and the graph will be shifted up 12 units


I'm letting  x = 0   =   Jan 1st......this is won't make any difference as long as we shift the day count back by 1 other words....Jan 2nd  will be x = 1  on our graph instead of x = 2.......even so.....the true day count and days after Jan 1st will be "off" a little


So.......Dec 21st  is 11 days before Jan 1st


Because the  normal minimum for the sine  = -90°  we want to let the minimum occur at x = -11


So....we are shifting the graph  by   90  +  (-11)(72/73)  ≈ 79.1056° to the right



So......the approximate graph is


y = 3.3sin ( (72x)/73 -  79.1056) + 12


March 27th is the 86th day of the year - x ≈ 85 on the graph since Jan 1st  = 0 ......the approximate number of daylight hours on this day will be ≈  12.27 hrs   ....this makes sense....on March 21st there will be 12 hours and the days grow longer after this until June 21st


And October 2nd  is the 275th day of the year - x ≈  274 on the graph........and the approximate daylight hours at that time will be ≈ 11.365 hrs.....this also makes sense......the days grow shorter after Sept 21st (when there are 12 hours of daylight)  until Dec 21st


Here's the graph :


cool cool cool

Dec 10, 2017

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