

 Sep 1, 2017

For the Goldfish... Every goldfish is $2 So take 5x2=10 Your answer should be C

For #4... I would call it an irrational number becuase it would be a repeating decimal So i would say it is B... If you want more information on that ask CPhill


#5... The square root of 11 is 3.31662479036 So it should be place closer to the 3 So your answer should be D


#6... 3/4 is 0.75 and 4/7 is 0.57142857142  So your answer should be A


#7... That would be the distributive property becuase when you look at the first to the second you can tell that the distributive property was involved So your asnwer should be B... If you want more information talk to CPhill laugh


Your Welcome for the help NSS





 Sep 1, 2017


NotSoSmart  Sep 1, 2017

Here are some additional notes that the previous answerer did not mention.


#4: \(\sqrt{a}\) is irrational unless the radicand (the number inside the radical) is a perfect square (1,4,9,16,25, etc.). You can prove this by contradiction.


#5: We may not necessarily know an accurate decimal expansion of \(\sqrt{11}\), but you probably know that \(\sqrt{9}=3\) and \(\sqrt{16}=4\). This means that \(3<\sqrt{11}<4\). The only answer choice that corresponds to this restriction is D


#6: There's actually a trick we can use for this. It's quite clever, and it does not require converting into a decimal. Here it is again:



Multiply the numbers in blue and multiply the numbers in red. \(\textcolor{red}{3*7=21}\) and \(\textcolor{blue}{4*4=16}\). Since 3*7>4*4, this means that 3/4 is the larger fraction. Easy, isn't it?

 Sep 1, 2017

Yes thanks as well!

NotSoSmart  Sep 6, 2017

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