
A parabola has a focus of F(−1,5) and a directrix of y=6. What is the equation of the parabola?

 Oct 23, 2017

Best Answer 


Using distance formula, the distance of the parabola from its focus is \(\sqrt{(x+1)^2+(y-5)^2}\) and the distance from the directrix is \(\sqrt{(y-6)^2}\). On aparabola, these distances are always equal, so:






And that is your equation.

 Oct 23, 2017
Best Answer

Using distance formula, the distance of the parabola from its focus is \(\sqrt{(x+1)^2+(y-5)^2}\) and the distance from the directrix is \(\sqrt{(y-6)^2}\). On aparabola, these distances are always equal, so:






And that is your equation.

Mathhemathh Oct 23, 2017

This parabola will turn downward since the directrix is above the foucus


The vertex will   be  at   ( -1, [ sum of directix and y coordinate of the vertex]/2 )  =

 (-1, [ 6 + 5 ] / 2 )  =  (-1, 11/2)  


And  the distance between the focus and the vertex  = p = -.5 = -1/2


And the equation  is


4p ( y - 11/2)  =  ( x + 1)^2

4 (-1/2) ( y - 11/2)  = (x + 1)^2

-2 ( y - 11/2)  = ( x + 1)^2

y - 11/2   =  (-1/2)( + 1)^2

y =  (-1/2)(x + 1)^2 + 11/2


Here's the graph : https://www.desmos.com/calculator/zfnw68cp1f



cool cool cool

 Oct 23, 2017


WOW, Mathhemathh....I've not seen that method before.....but....I like it  !!!!





cool cool cool

 Oct 23, 2017

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