
Hi everyone,

Today also we are all going to end our day witha laugh as useual!

But im really sorry because i couldnt get much today as i was gone shopping with my mom so my whole day was busy thats why !But what ever i have got im sure you'll find it intersting!So lets go!


We are going to start with some thinking!

Here is a very beautiful picture , now u have to guess everything about it !

Those people who are able to guess or understand its true beauty , then they'll also come to know how special this picture is!! 

This picture is called face in trees!And it is purely a face in trees!

Okay so now ive got a mixture of laugh for u all!Hope u enjoy them!

This ones not funny but it hought it might be a great view!

This is Dudhsagar falls in Goa,India! You know if we divide the name into two parts then its meaning would be Milk(dudh) Sea(sagar)!Isnt that great!

Hmm!Deadly Monday!

This guy seems to be in a hurry!And sadly forgot the name redlight and police!

Seems pretty clever!

 (Whisper to Melody:This might help you catching children cheating (thought for me;Oh no what did i do, i showed them the secret of the ChildrenCommunity, oh no!)LOL!

Nice way of getting yourself out of trouble!!And throwing others in!

Yeah!Thats happened with me too!

Sometimes , i too feel the same!

Hello Sir!Nice to meet you! 

Hey ! Dont blame me!

Now thats the true meaning of the word!!!

Hope you liked them!and now its time for our thought for the day!


Hope you all have enjoyed and liked my post!!!Next time im sure to give you all a much better laugh , actually i am a lil tired today so couldnt get much!!!

But though hope you have enjoyed this too!


Have a nice left over weekend all of you!

 Jul 19, 2014

Best Answer 


Thanks Rosala, that was a great post.  

I really liked the waterfall in Goa too.  I have a major attraction for waterfalls.

When I was a child there were cliffs and waterfalls at the back of our property.  That is where I liked to play.

I also love dams and all water features.  I love to know where communities get their water supplies from.

Perhaps this is partly because I am Australian and most of our country is desert.  Water is always a big issue.


I really like the trees and all your fun pics too.  Thank you!

 Jul 19, 2014

Loved that waterfall pic, rosala.......must be a nice view from that train, too!!!



 Jul 19, 2014

Thank you very much CPhill for liking my pics!

And yes its really a great view!!

Once again thanks and have a nice left over weekend!lol!

 Jul 19, 2014
Best Answer

Thanks Rosala, that was a great post.  

I really liked the waterfall in Goa too.  I have a major attraction for waterfalls.

When I was a child there were cliffs and waterfalls at the back of our property.  That is where I liked to play.

I also love dams and all water features.  I love to know where communities get their water supplies from.

Perhaps this is partly because I am Australian and most of our country is desert.  Water is always a big issue.


I really like the trees and all your fun pics too.  Thank you!

Melody Jul 19, 2014

Your Welcome Melody!Im happy u liked my post!And your right , in Geography i read that theres a water problem inAustralia and some more countries too i read about !

But im happy u liked my post!Thank you!!

If you might be interested ill try getting some more pics of differnt waterfalls for u we find here!And then post them in my next wrap!

Btw have a nice left over weekend Melody!

 Jul 19, 2014

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