
Ok, here is the problem "Bob has 60 coins consisting of quarters and dimes. the coins combined value is $9.45. Find out how many quarters and dimes there are."

Ps- We are using substitution etc to solve this, and showing your work would be appreciated, thanks

 Dec 19, 2014

Best Answer 


OK...we can actually do it without substitution, but.....anyway

Let x be the number of dimes  and y be the number of quarters


x + y  = 60      or    y = 60- x

And the number of dimes times their value plus the number of quarters times their value = $9.45  ....or...in equation form...

.10x + .25y = 9.45     and substituting for y, we have

.10x + .25(60  - x)  = 9.45    multiply by 100 to clear the decimals

10x + 25(60-x) = 945    simplify

10x + 1500 - 25x  = 945

-15x + 1500 = 945   subtract 1500 from both sides

-15x  = -555   divide both sides by -15

x = 37   and that's the number of dimes

And (60 - 37) = 23 and that's the number of quarters


 Dec 19, 2014
Best Answer

OK...we can actually do it without substitution, but.....anyway

Let x be the number of dimes  and y be the number of quarters


x + y  = 60      or    y = 60- x

And the number of dimes times their value plus the number of quarters times their value = $9.45  ....or...in equation form...

.10x + .25y = 9.45     and substituting for y, we have

.10x + .25(60  - x)  = 9.45    multiply by 100 to clear the decimals

10x + 25(60-x) = 945    simplify

10x + 1500 - 25x  = 945

-15x + 1500 = 945   subtract 1500 from both sides

-15x  = -555   divide both sides by -15

x = 37   and that's the number of dimes

And (60 - 37) = 23 and that's the number of quarters


CPhill Dec 19, 2014

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