
can anyone help me with this problem as well as give a clear explanation? thank you!!


Find the value of

\(x = 1 + \cfrac{1}{2 + \cfrac{1}{2 + \cfrac{1}{2 + \cfrac{1}{2 + \ddots}}}}.\)

 Aug 9, 2017

I didn't manage to write the answer of this question by any mathematical ways, nor by using my hand, but the function gets closer and closer to \(≈ 1.41421356237\) as more layers are added, which equals to \(\sqrt2\).

This is also the reason that \(\sqrt2\) is an irrational number instead of a rational one, since it needs infinite fractions to express it.


Program: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1%2B1%2F(2%2B1%2F(2%2B1%2F(2%2B1%2F(2%2B1%2F(2%2B1%2F(2%2B1%2F(2%2B1%2F(2%2B1%2F(2%2B1)))))))))

 Aug 9, 2017


Add 1 to both sides


x + 1  =  2 +  [ 1 / [ 2 + [ 1 / [ 2 + 1 / [ ... ] 


Now...let   x + 1  = y


But...y =    [ 2 + [ 1 / [ 2 + 1 / [ ... ]


So...we have that


y =  2 + [1 / y ]   multiply through by y


y^2 = 2y + 1   rearrange


y^2 - 2y - 1  = 0


Solving this with the quadratic formula   gives that  y = 1 + √2  or y = 1 - √2


But since the right side of the original problem is positive  then so is x


And since  x + 1 = y   then   x = y - 1


So y  must  = 1 + √2


So......  x = [ 1 + √2 ] - 1  =   √2


P.S.  -  thanks to one of our members - geno - for showing me this "trick"...!!!



cool cool cool

 Aug 9, 2017
edited by CPhill  Aug 9, 2017

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