
I have always really struggled with logarithims. some help on these would be great. They're due for 5pm tomorrow Irish Time :(


Question 1

Consider the following straight-line relationship between Species number and Area sampled:

Log S = 0.75 + 0.95 Log A

What is the value of the y intercept? (as written in the same form as in the equation)



Consider the following straight-line relationship between Species number and Area sampled:

Log S = 0.17 + 0.42 Log A

What is the rate of increase in species number per unit area (slope) in this case? (as written in the same form as in the equation)



If I destroyed a quarter of a reserve that had a total Area of 256 and the following SAR equation:

Log S = 0.61 + 0.742 Log A,

how many species would be lost? Please give your answer to the nearest whole number in this case



The following is a straight line relationship between Species number and Area sampled:

Log S = 0.61 + 0.742 Log A

Given an overall Species value of 181, please work out the Area required to conserve 40% of these species? (You must work correct to three decimal places in all calculations to avoid rounding errors)

 Oct 11, 2017

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