
Right ABC has AB=3, BC=4, and AC=5. Square XYZW is inscribed in ABC with X and Y on AC, W on AB, and Z on BC. What is the side length of the square?

 Nov 12, 2015

Best Answer 


Using similar triangles twice, and  calling the length of the side of the square x,

in the triangle CYZ,  CY/x = 4/3, so CY = 4x/3,

in the triangle WXA,  x/XA = 3/4, so XA = 3x/4.

The hypotenuse of the triangle is

CY + YX + XA  = 4x/3 + x + 3x/4 = 37x/12 = 5,

so x = 60/37.

 Nov 13, 2015

There may be other methods of solving this one.....but here's my attempt.....


Locate  point D  on BC and let it lie x units from the origin......and let a be the side of the square


Locate point E on  AC  and  F on AB  such that  DE = DF  = a   and DE,DF are perpendicular to each other


Now angle ACB  = angle FDB = atan(3/4)


 So, cos [atan(3/4)] = DB/ FD = x / a    →  x = ( a)cos[ atan(3/4)]


And sin ACB = sin [atan (3/4)]


So, sin [atan (3/4) ]  = a / [ 4 - x]


And substituting for x, we have


sin [atan(3/4)] = a / [ 4 - a* cos [atan(3/4)]]


And with a little help from WolframAlpha,  a = 60/37.........and this is the side  of the square


And x = BD = (60/37)cos[atan(3/4)] = 48/37


Here's the [ approximate] pic :



cool cool cool

 Nov 13, 2015
edited by CPhill  Nov 13, 2015
edited by CPhill  Nov 13, 2015
edited by CPhill  Nov 13, 2015

Right ABC has AB=3, BC=4, and AC=5. Square XYZW is inscribed in ABC with X and Y on AC, W on AB, and Z on BC. What is the side length of the square?


\(\small{ \begin{array}{lcl} XW = WZ = x \qquad u = ZB \qquad v = WB\\ \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{lrcl} (1) & \frac{v}{x} &=& \frac{3}{5} \quad \rightarrow \quad v = \frac{3}{5} x\\ (2) & \frac{u}{x} &=& \frac{4}{5} \quad \rightarrow \quad u = \frac{4}{5} x\\\\ & \sin{(A)} &=& \frac{x}{3-v} \\ & \sin{(B)} = \sin{(90^{\circ}-A)} = \cos{(A)} &=& \frac{x}{4-u} \\ (3) & [\sin{(A)}]^2 + [\cos{(A)}]^2 =1 &=& \left(\frac{x}{3-v}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{x}{4-u}\right)^2 \\\\ \\ \hline \\ &\left( \dfrac{x}{3-v} \right)^2 + \left(\dfrac{x}{4-u} \right)^2 &=& 1 \\\\ & \dfrac{x^2}{ (3-v)^2 } + \dfrac{x^2}{ (4-u)^2 } &=& 1 \qquad v = \frac{3}{5} x \qquad u = \frac{4}{5} x\\\\ & \dfrac{x^2}{ \left(3-\dfrac{3}{5} x \right)^2 } + \dfrac{x^2}{ \left(4-\dfrac{4}{5} x \right)^2 } &=& 1 \\\\ & \dfrac{x^2}{ 3^2 \left(1-\dfrac{1}{5} x \right)^2 } + \dfrac{x^2}{ 4^2\left(1-\dfrac{1}{5} x \right)^2 } &=& 1 \\\\ & \dfrac{x^2}{ 3^2 } + \dfrac{x^2}{ 4^2 } &=& \left(1-\dfrac{1}{5} x \right)^2 \\\\ & \dfrac{x^2}{ 3^2 } + \dfrac{x^2}{ 4^2 } &=& \dfrac{ (5-x)^2 }{5^2}\\\\ & x^2 \left(\dfrac{1} { 3^2 }+ \dfrac{1}{ 4^2 } \right) &=& \dfrac{ (5-x)^2 }{5^2}\\\\ & x^2 \left(\dfrac{4^2+3^2} { 3^24^2 } \right) &=& \dfrac{ (5-x)^2 }{5^2} \qquad | \quad 3^2+4^2=5^2\\\\ & x^2 \left(\dfrac{5^2} { 3^24^2 } \right) &=& \dfrac{ (5-x)^2 }{5^2} \qquad | \quad 5^25^2=5^4\\\\ & x^2 \left( \dfrac{5^4} { 3^24^2 } \right) &=& (5-x)^2 \\\\ & x^2 \left( \dfrac{5^4} { 3^24^2 } \right) &=& 5^2-2\cdot 5 x + x^2 \\\\ & x^2 \left( \dfrac{5^4} { 3^24^2 } \right) -x^2 &=& 5^2-2\cdot 5 x \\\\ & x^2 \left( \dfrac{5^4} { 3^24^2 } -1 \right) &=& 5^2-2\cdot 5 x \\\\ & x^2 \left( \dfrac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 } \right) &=& 5^2-2\cdot 5 x \\\\ & \mathbf{ x^2 \left( \dfrac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 } \right) +2\cdot 5 x - 5^2 } & \mathbf{=}& \mathbf{ 0 }\\\\ \\ \hline \\ & x &=& {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a} \quad a= \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 } \quad b=2\cdot 5 \quad c=-5^2 \\\\ & x^2 \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 } \right) +2\cdot 5 x - 5^2 &=& 0 \\\\ & x_{1,2} &=& {-2\cdot 5 \pm \sqrt{(-2\cdot 5)^2 - 4\cdot \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 }\right) \cdot(-5^2) } \over 2\cdot \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 }\right)} \\\\ & x_{1,2} &=& {-2\cdot 5 \pm \sqrt{2^25^2 + 2^25^2\cdot \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 }\right) } \over 2\cdot \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 }\right)} \\\\ & x_{1,2} &=& {-2\cdot 5 \pm 2\cdot 5 \sqrt{1 + \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 }\right) } \over 2\cdot \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 }\right)} \\\\ & x_{1,2} &=& {-2\cdot 5 \pm 2\cdot 5 \sqrt{\frac{3^24^2+ 5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 } } \over 2\cdot \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 }\right)} \\\\ & x_{1,2} &=& {-2\cdot 5 \pm 2\cdot 5 \sqrt{\frac{5^4} { 3^24^2 } } \over 2\cdot \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 }\right)} \\\\ & x_{1,2} &=& {-2\cdot 5 \pm 2\cdot 5 \left( \frac{5^2} { 3\cdot 4 } \right) \over 2\cdot \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 }\right)} \\\\ & x_{1,2} &=& {-10 \pm \frac{250} { 12 } \over 2\cdot \left( \frac{5^4-3^24^2} { 3^24^2 }\right)} \\\\ & x_{1,2} &=& {-10 \pm \frac{250} { 12 } \over \frac{962} { 144 } } \\\\ & x &=& {-10 + \frac{250} { 12 } \over \frac{962} { 144 } } \\\\ & x &=& {\frac{130} { 12 } \over \frac{962} { 144 } } \\\\ & x &=& \left( \frac{130} { 12 } \right) \cdot \left( \frac{ 144 }{962} \right) \\\\ & x &=& \left( \frac{130} { 12 } \right) \cdot \left( \frac{ 12^2 }{962} \right) \\\\ & x &=& \frac{130\cdot 12} { 962 } \\\\ & x &=& \frac{1560} { 962 } \\\\ & x &=& \frac{780} { 481 } \\\\ & x &=& \frac{60} { 37 } \\\\ & \mathbf{x} &\mathbf{=}& \mathbf{ 1.621\overline{621} } \end{array}\\ \text{The side length of the square is } \mathbf{1.621\overline{621}} }\)


 Nov 13, 2015
edited by heureka  Nov 13, 2015
edited by heureka  Nov 13, 2015

"Right ABC has AB=3, BC=4, and AC=5. Square XYZW is inscribed in ABC with X and Y on AC, W on AB, and Z on BC. What is the side length of the square?"


square in triangle

 Nov 13, 2015
Best Answer

Using similar triangles twice, and  calling the length of the side of the square x,

in the triangle CYZ,  CY/x = 4/3, so CY = 4x/3,

in the triangle WXA,  x/XA = 3/4, so XA = 3x/4.

The hypotenuse of the triangle is

CY + YX + XA  = 4x/3 + x + 3x/4 = 37x/12 = 5,

so x = 60/37.

Guest Nov 13, 2015

Using similar triangles twice, and  calling the length of the side of the square x,

in the triangle CYZ,  CY/x = 4/3, so CY = 4x/3,

in the triangle WXA,  x/XA = 3/4, so XA = 3x/4.

The hypotenuse of the triangle is

CY + YX + XA  = 4x/3 + x + 3x/4 = 37x/12 = 5,

so x = 60/37.



Irritating, Alan's solution appeared during the time I was typing mine in.

 Nov 13, 2015

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