
apply the distributive property to produce an equivalent expression

4) 63 plus 49m 

5) 63f+36

6) 6(7e+3)

7) 8+3a+2a+7

8) 6+2j+4+8j

9) 4(2h+6)

10) 4(4+5b)

11) 7(10+6g)

12) s+s+s

14) 5(7p+3)

15) 4(3+7y)

16) 35k+15

17) 35+56z

18) 5+8v+6v+6

19) 32r+28

 Mar 29, 2017

Okay I will try to answer a couple of these and hopefully you can see how to do the rest from there.




6(7e + 3)

Multiply the number outside the parenthesees by each number inside the parenthesees and add the products together. This is called "distributing."

6(7e + 3) = (6*7e) + (6*3) = 42e + 18




63 + 49m

If I'm understanding this one correctly, just do the reverse of what we did up there. This is called "factoring." There are different answers you could get because there are different numbers you could pick to factor out.

63 + 49m = 7(9 + 7m)


If the problem has parenthesees to begin with, distribute.

If the problem does not have parenthesees to begin with, factor.


The only other tricky one I see is number 12.

Here's a hint:

Write the problem like this: (1)(s) + (1)(s) + (1)(s) ...and factor out an "s"

 Mar 29, 2017

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