
A car travelling from Town X to Town Y passed a van halfway.The van was travelling in the opposite direction at a uniform speed of 40 km/h.2.5 hours later,the car reached Town Y and the van was still 25 km from Town X.Find the distance between Town X and Town Y.

 May 23, 2017

A car travelling from Town X to Town Y passed a van halfway.The van was travelling in the opposite direction at a uniform speed of 40 km/h.2.5 hours later,the car reached Town Y and the van was still 25 km from Town X.Find the distance between Town X and Town Y.

Average speed =Distance /Time
Let the distance between between the 2 towns =D
Let the average speed of the car =S. But we have:
(1/2D) / 2.5 =S. And we also have:
40 =[(1/2D) - 25] / 2.5, Solve for D, S
D = 250 Km - distance between towns X and Y
S =50 Km/h - average speed of the car

 May 23, 2017

A car travelling from Town X to Town Y passed a van halfway.The van was travelling in the opposite direction at a uniform speed of 40 km/h.2.5 hours later,the car reached Town Y and the van was still 25 km from Town X.Find the distance between Town X and Town Y.







\(\large s=250km\)


\(The \ cities \ X \ and \ Y \ are \ 250\ km \ apart.\)


laugh  !

 May 23, 2017
edited by asinus  May 23, 2017



A car travelling from Town X to Town Y passed a van halfway.The van was travelling in the opposite direction at a uniform speed of 40 km/h.2.5 hours later,the car reached Town Y and the van was still 25 km from Town X.Find the distance between Town X and Town Y.


Call the car's rate, R


And the rate it travels times the time it travels  =  R * 2.5     =  the halway distance between the towns = (1)

And the rate the van travels (40 km/hr ) times 2.5 hrs  + 25 km  =  (1)


So....setting these equal, we have


R * 2.5    =   40* ( 2.5) + 25   simplify


2.5 R   =  100 + 25


2.5R   = 125   divide both sides by 2.5


R  = 50 km/hr


Then....this the rate of the car........so......the  distance between the towns  =  2* (2.5)* 50 =  250 km




 cool cool cool

 May 23, 2017

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