
If you have a problem relating to this forum you can talk to a moderator about it.  We are quite approachable.

If you are refering to a particular thread then copy the address and past it into the message to us so we can seee what you are referring to.


If you have other problems you can talk to your parents or your school councillor, or a real life freind.  If you wish you can consult me but DO NOT message a stranger from this site with your problems unless they are a moderator. 

Most people of course mean well, but not all do.  You need to be very careful!


Be very wary about privately messaging other members, they may not be who they say they are, you have no idea who you are talking to.

People can pretend to be anybody on the net. And they can have more than one username too.

The person you are seeking help from could be your tormentor.

Always think before you message!!




If you want to help someone, do so openly on the forum.  DO NOT request them to privatey message you! 

It sounds alarm bells to all the responsible adults on the forum!




If you just want to be friends with someone it is fine to message them.

Just do not ever give out personal information like your full name, your address or your phone number!


If some one messages you with something that makes you uncomfortable, DO NOT REPLY!

Do not reply to their future messages either.  They will go away pretty quickly if you ignore them.

If the content is very inappropriate report it to a moderator! 




I just want you all to stay safe and happy.

Enjoy your Christmas Eve,

Melody     laugh

 Dec 24, 2015

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