

The following word question was in our exam review sheet and I'm sure what the question is actually asking me to do.


"Create an operations on rational expression problem whose only restrictions are x cannot equal +/- 3 and y cannot equal 0 and whose solution is  \(x-1/2x+6\)



 Jun 18, 2017

"Create an operations on rational expression problem whose only restrictions are x cannot equal +/- 3 and y cannot equal 0 and whose solution is  

x-1 / 2x+6


This is  \(x-\frac{1}{2x}+6\)


Should there be brackets? Do you mean


(x-1)/(2x+6) = \(\frac{x-1}{2x+6}\;\;\;?\)


I'll assume you mean the second one...

but there is no y and there is no solution (since there is not equal sign) I am guessing the question is supposed to be


Create an equation whose only restrictions are x cannot equal +/- 3 and y cannot equal 0 which simplifies to:




x already cannot be -3 because you cannot divide by 0.



\(y=\frac{x-1}{2x+6}*\frac{x-3}{x-3}*\frac{x}{x}\\ y=\frac{x(x^2-4x+3)}{2x(x+3)(x-3)}\\ y=\frac{x^3-4x^2+3x}{2x(x^2-9)}\\ y=\frac{x^3-4x^2+3x}{2x^3-18x}\)


Any one of these lines should be an adequate answer.

But really the question is so poorly written that the question setter should fail and be forced to go back to question writing school.   (Only joking....half)

 Jun 18, 2017

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