
Hey guys! Let's start a new geometrey thread. In this thread, you answer the last question and post a new question. The only rule is that the problems has to be about geometry. I can start us off:


Point P is 6 units from the center of the circle of radius 10. Compute the number of chords with integral length that pass through P. 

 Oct 9, 2017

I'm all for showing off how smart you are...but that is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard

 Oct 9, 2017

I think it is a nice idea and going by the scores I think other members agree that it is a nice idea. :)


So "The Question" it is quite obvious that you your assessment is given the thumbs down while "Supermanaccz" idea is give an unanimous thumbs up! 

Melody  Oct 10, 2017
edited by Melody  Oct 10, 2017


supermanaccz  Oct 10, 2017

Here you go, there are  8


 Oct 10, 2017

Thanks Melody!! Now, we need a new question!! laugh

hectictar  Oct 10, 2017
edited by hectictar  Oct 10, 2017

Yes we do.... need another question that is :)

I put this thread in sticky topics.

If it is used it can stay there but otherwise I will eventually take it down :)

Melody  Oct 10, 2017
edited by Melody  Oct 10, 2017

The semicircle of area 1250 pi centimeters is inscribed inside a rectangle. The diameter of the semicircle coincides with the length of the rectangle. Find the area of the rectangle.

 Oct 12, 2017

If x is the radius of the semicircle, 

1250π = (1/2) πr^2

r = 50 

Length of rectangle = 2r = 100 

Width of rectangle = r

Area = 100 * 50 = 5000

 Oct 12, 2017

Hey guys! Thanks for using this thread. Just to speed things up, let's post another question. 


Mr. Osborne asks each student in her class to draw a rectangle with integer side lengths and a perimeter of 50 units. All of her students calculate the area of the rectangle they drew. What is the difference between the largest and smallest possible area?

 Oct 13, 2017

If the perimeter of the rectangle is 50 units......the sum of the length and width must be 25 units


The largest area will be formed when one dimension is  12 units and the other is 13

And the area  = 12 * 13  =  156 units^2


The smallest possible area is when one dimension is 1 unit  and the other is 24

And the area is  1 * 24 =   24  units^2


The difference in the areas  =  156 - 24  =  132 units^2



cool cool cool

 Oct 13, 2017

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