
in 1812 an earthquake with a magnitutde of 7.9 shook New Madrid, MO. Compare intensity level of that with the one stated below.

32) Magnitude 7.7 in CA, 1906


describe how the graph of the function compares with the graph of the parent function, y=log6x


 Aug 13, 2014

Best Answer 


32.) Intensities of magnitudes 7.7 & 7.9 are extremely similar since both are in the 7.0 - 7.9 range. The intensity level is written as roman numerals and in this case, it would be VII or higher meaning very strong+.

Read more at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercalli_intensity_scale 


 ***Important note: MO is likely to have a lower population than CA and have lower population densisites as well due to historical factors. This implies that CA would have definitely had the higher intensity since there is a much higher population plus more buildings and structures in CA.



40.) https://www.desmos.com/calculator/axmle9o40e y = log6x is the red colored graph and the other one is in blue.

Note that the most obvious difference is that the blue one is shifted up one unit. The difference between log6x and log5x would be minimal, but because of the + 1, the log5x + 1 graph varies a bit more.

 Aug 14, 2014
Best Answer

32.) Intensities of magnitudes 7.7 & 7.9 are extremely similar since both are in the 7.0 - 7.9 range. The intensity level is written as roman numerals and in this case, it would be VII or higher meaning very strong+.

Read more at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercalli_intensity_scale 


 ***Important note: MO is likely to have a lower population than CA and have lower population densisites as well due to historical factors. This implies that CA would have definitely had the higher intensity since there is a much higher population plus more buildings and structures in CA.



40.) https://www.desmos.com/calculator/axmle9o40e y = log6x is the red colored graph and the other one is in blue.

Note that the most obvious difference is that the blue one is shifted up one unit. The difference between log6x and log5x would be minimal, but because of the + 1, the log5x + 1 graph varies a bit more.

AzizHusain Aug 14, 2014

Aziz.....I like how you linked to the Desmos app without having to copy and paste the graph.....that's a new one to add to my "toolchest."  I didn't know that would work....copying and pasting is tedious.....what you did is much easier...


 Aug 14, 2014

Yes, desmos is pretty cool and easy to share quickly.

 Aug 14, 2014

thanks you guys!

 Aug 15, 2014

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