
at what point does the line normal to y = 3 +2x + 3x^2 at (1, 8) intersect the parabola a second time?

 Feb 8, 2016

Best Answer 


y = 3 +2x + 3x^2   (1)     ..... at (1, 8)


The slope of the line at any point on the parabola is given by :


y '  =  2 + 6x


So....at (1,8)  the slope is


y'(1)  = 2 + 6(1)  = 8


And the line normal to this will have the slope  of -1/8   ....so......the equation of this line is


y = (-1/8)(x - 1) + 8


y = (-1/8)x + 65/8      (2)


So.....setting (1)  = (2)   we have


3 + 2x + 3x^2  = (-1/8)x + 65/8


24 + 16x + 24x^2  = -x + 65


24x^2 + 17x - 41 = 0       factor


(24x  + 41) (x -1) = 0


We already know that setting the second factor to 0  produces a correct answer


Setting the first factor to 0 produces


x = -41/24


And putting this into


y = (-1/8)x  + 65/8   produces  1601/192


So....the second point of intersection  is (-41/24, 1601/192)


Here's a graph :  https://www.desmos.com/calculator/sjnizqdyzq




cool cool cool

 Feb 8, 2016

Why don't try this fine graphing calculator and see if it will solve your problem:


 Feb 8, 2016
Best Answer

y = 3 +2x + 3x^2   (1)     ..... at (1, 8)


The slope of the line at any point on the parabola is given by :


y '  =  2 + 6x


So....at (1,8)  the slope is


y'(1)  = 2 + 6(1)  = 8


And the line normal to this will have the slope  of -1/8   ....so......the equation of this line is


y = (-1/8)(x - 1) + 8


y = (-1/8)x + 65/8      (2)


So.....setting (1)  = (2)   we have


3 + 2x + 3x^2  = (-1/8)x + 65/8


24 + 16x + 24x^2  = -x + 65


24x^2 + 17x - 41 = 0       factor


(24x  + 41) (x -1) = 0


We already know that setting the second factor to 0  produces a correct answer


Setting the first factor to 0 produces


x = -41/24


And putting this into


y = (-1/8)x  + 65/8   produces  1601/192


So....the second point of intersection  is (-41/24, 1601/192)


Here's a graph :  https://www.desmos.com/calculator/sjnizqdyzq




cool cool cool

CPhill Feb 8, 2016

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