
How many moles of Oxygen are contained in 2.50 mol of KMnO4???

 Jan 14, 2016

Best Answer 


How many moles of Oxygen are contained in 2.50 mol of KMnO4???

 Molecular weight of KMnO4=158.034 g/mol

2.50 X 158.034=395.085

Since molecular weight of Oxygen=15.9994g/mol, therefore,

395.085/15.9994=24.694 moles of Oxygen.

P.S. You have to check this for accuracy!!!. We are NOT chemists, but Math nuts!!!!.

 Jan 14, 2016
Best Answer

How many moles of Oxygen are contained in 2.50 mol of KMnO4???

 Molecular weight of KMnO4=158.034 g/mol

2.50 X 158.034=395.085

Since molecular weight of Oxygen=15.9994g/mol, therefore,

395.085/15.9994=24.694 moles of Oxygen.

P.S. You have to check this for accuracy!!!. We are NOT chemists, but Math nuts!!!!.

Guest Jan 14, 2016

Are you related to Sorasyn?  You’re not deadly enough to be him, but you have a comparable lack of chemistry skills.  You also have CDD. Of course many on here do, so it’s not really definitive, it’s just a “birds of a feather” kind of relation.


You are right about the not a chemist part . . . and the nut part, too.

 Jan 14, 2016


Nauseated, since you are such a 'genius'  [interprete as 'know-it-all' ] why don't you just answer the question!!


Perhaps this would present a problem for you ? 

 Jan 14, 2016

 . . .  It’s not that it would present a problem generally  . . . it’s the “C” in CDD. I was exposed to contagious dumbness. I needed to wait for it to wear off a little before I risked giving an answer. If I gave a wrong answer, someone (you) might troll me and that looks bad on my permanganate (permanent) record. Thanks for the generous compliment. I’ve never given a wrong answer -- even in the most adverse of conditions, so the risk is minimal I’m sure.


Here’s the answer:

2.50 moles of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) contains (2.50*4 =) 10 moles of oxygen.    

 Jan 15, 2016


ok, I will take your word for it Nauseated.  Since it is not my question I have nothing to lose :))


I'll  let you into the hall of credit fame tonight.  Pat.pat. pat,  There is a good dog :)


prompted by this earlier post :



 Jan 15, 2016

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