I have had to make a new wrap thread because the old posts are now all just read only.
(I cannnot add another post to them or edit them in any way.)
Address of yesterday's wrap post.
Addres of the wrap immediately prior to this post.
This was on Fri 28th August 2015
This forum was founded by Andre Massow on 25 January 2012. Thanks Mr Massow
I discovered it and joined on 28th September 2013.
My first wrap was the 9th January 2014 and I have posted a wrap almost every day since then.
A really major restructure of the forum 13th April 2014,
I was given moderator privileges for the first time on 15th April 2014
(What a great birthday present - just one day early )
CPhill joined 13th March 2014 and became moderator on 11th May 2014.
Alan joined 24th Feb 2014 and became moderator on the 4th May 2015
A second major restructure of the forum. Sun 30th August 2015
-Carpet knotting, really interesting how they did it, also they turn out what we would call royaltistic
-Troy!!! Melody, I wonder how did u find the Trojan horse, probably must've used google maps to look for it or someone else already dug it and used it as a public site, either way, it's amazing what's technology can do
melody, u already knows what happens next when u say "are a few possibilities"
TR Rant Time!
melody, you are absolutely wrong! Why do u think there's a horse in the public sites of Troy? And it was not only abandoned, but it fell a long time ago EVEN before Jesus Christ was supposed to come
the #1 reason why it fell in the ancient world was this one reason:
as you can see, miss melody, the Greeks were getting tired of fighting the Trojans, especially since they were doomed after the great Achilles died (it wasn't cuz of Paris shooting an arrow, it was cuz Brad Pitt wasn't looking, otherwise he would've lived) so instead of keep on fighting, Oddyseus comes with a brilliant Boom-Beach quality plan to build a Trojan horse, and secretly keep an army of his troops inside the wooden horse, and take it to Troy, and it was supposed to be a sign of surrender, so the Trojans got drunk, held parties, and by midnight, as soon as most Trojans passed out, the Greeks and Oddyseus get out of the horse, and ATTACK AND BURN THE STREETS OF TROY!!! By the end of the battle, everyone but less than 5 Trojans abandoned Troy, and Troy burned to their fall, upon pillars of salt and sand, and Paris's head was on the Greek's golden plate, which they would later drink the blood from it, and marked the end of the Trojan War, therefore proving that Aphrodite is ugly and Athena is the most beautiful goddess of the three (Athena, Aphrodite, Hera). The only thing that could've prevented the Trojan war was if apples didn't exist, but I would give a pass cuz apples led to the iPhone, iMac, and iPad inventions
so there u go melody, that's the only reason why Troy fell: The Trojan Horse
nice photos overall though
@@ End of Whatever Wrap Thurs 3/9/15 Sydney, Australia Time 10:15pm ♪ ♫
Hi everyone,
As many of you are aware the forum has had a very big overhaul.
Let's see what is better:
* The Top User's list includes almost everyone, which is much liked by many people, I like it too. :)
* The table is better because it now has borders. I think I was the only one who occasionally used it before. I hope that it is better used now :)
* Security is better but this is causing some teething problems. Some people are looked out. I believe Radix and CPhill have expereinced this problem and Heureka is still locked out. I expect Admin is working on this as I write.
* There are a lot more features in the private message centre.
I think they are the same features as available in the forum posts.
* The stranger danger warning is well placed and I am pleased it has been added.
* Pictures can now be uploaded into private messages which has bought smiles of approval.
There are also some other problems but Admin is working hard to overcome these. Thanks Mr. Massow.
Please be patient and understanding
Now for some personal news.
I will not be around much for the next month. I am going to be overseas. Nearly 3 weeks in Turkey, then 10 days in England. I leave at around 8am in the morning :)
CPhill has told me he will do all he can to hold the fort while I am away. Thanks Chris, that is very much appreciated.
I am sure Alan will work hard by your side. Not to mention all our other wonderful regular answerers :)
I am sure I will make lots of cameo appearances. I won't be able to stay way from this place for a whole month.
Anyway, learn lots, have fun and I will be back
♫♪ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬ ♫♪ ♪ ♫
Me-I just had to be the first one to play around
Gee thanks TR.
I didn't think I needed a lantern to light the way since this was a brand new post. How remiss of me. I could be "scribbling" on the lantern now instead of messing up my wrap.
I am sure you will do a great job of protecting Camelot while Queen Guinevere is visiting other kingdoms. Plus as a baker you will be helping to make sure that all the Queen's subjects are well fed as well.
The QUEEN is counting on you TITANIUM ROME :D
Whoa, is the Queen of Camelot counting on an emperor of one of the best empires in the Pacific?
this just got sweet!
Good luck on your dangerous trips, some kingdoms see the same view as Camelot, however, there will be some who won't welcome you and will do everything they can to get rid of you, so just be careful, or prepare to go Liam Neeson/Tom Cruise style
and yes, you need some sort of Lantern to guide people, that's why we in today's world still use lanterns sometimes and not having to rely on our phones flash
no worries, as a baker, I have enough food to feed your people for centuries
thx to a spell I found in harrypotter's room at Hogwarts, I can make more quantities of food (remember harrypotter?), so your people would be eating loads of luxurious food while you're gone, and before and after you're gone, the food will still go on when Rosala becomes queen herself
dont worry about security, I, as a Mobile Soldier, have the ability to grab my iPad and with an app called Strategy Combat-Reality Edition, I can magically (camelots a magical realm) spawn troops by typing the coordinates of the land and using TouchScreen to touch the coordinates to deploy troops, it's all Magic!!!!
That's awesome Miss Melody! And who is that Titanium Rome dude?, he seems awefully rude. And I think it's fine without the lantern thing.I love to upgrade by the way!
Thank Mr Massow for me.
Hmm. I bet TR's brain doen't work as fast as his mouth speaks. I looked at some of the conversations u guys had and it's halarious, even though it's childish. Hey TR, we've never formally met, but this one's for u,
Well maybe you haven't yet seen the best of me
you call me "awefully rude" (which btw awefully isn't a word), yet you talk about me behind my back, so you are exactly "awefully rude".
It's called Mathematics and Philosophy
They always take advantage of my personalities
bttw, you still need a lantern for times like this, what if the power goes off? Simple, grab a lantern and guide the way
you call me "awefully rude" and now you call me "captain childish humor" (pretty suiting nickname actually, all my conversations are coldly calculated, but to be honest, that nickname will NOT happened cuz my nickname slots are already full by "Tin", Rome, Titanium, TitaniumRome, Royal, etc.). Can't have too many nicknames otherwise everyone will get confused.
and what is for me? A iPhone 7 that's on my wish list? A secret card from my crush that she was supposed to give me on "Crush Day"?
Or.......could it be a new ego???
Lol. u r k*****g me!
K, k, i apologize. But u were being a bit rude. But it doesn't matter, cuz it's wht makes u fny. Lol. I think I'm gonna like tlkin 2 u. What shld the nxt tpc of our cnvrsation be? Prank wars? Makin up fny stuff 2 insult each other? Btw, I love that fny cnvrsation were u guys were doing the popcrn n soda wars, halarious!
I love yr wrk. Jst saying, u r a riot! Ha!
Wednesday 16th September 2015
People have been asking me what i am up to so I thought I would give you all an update.
I am in Pamukkale in Turkey!
Today I visited Hierapolis Archaeological Site. I had intended to upload some photos but I am having problems. :(
Here is a gladitatorial theatre that is on the site
Also there are thermal springs here and he water is full of calcium carbonate. As the calcium solidifies on the rock it leaves a very whilte layer. This is also a part of the site.
This is a really amazing site. It took this photo just before sunset tonight.
I hope you enjoy my shots. If you are interested you could always google it and find out more :))
-To Melody-
Who knew Melody was an amazing photographer?
Those are really nice pics, Melody
-To Eloise-
............okay, thx
but you can't give all the credit to me or else Rosala will try to k**l me (she seriously rules with an iron fist), so I'll split the credit to EVERYONE involved (there, everyone happy now?)
and no I'm not fucking kidding
and now that everyone calls me a riot sometimes I find being a riot more of a compliment than an offense
let's just hope to start a good convo, at the right time, and in the right way
Ok TR, but plz dn't use the 'f' wrd whn yr writin, it rly upsets me.
And btw i did say 'riot' as a compliment, n dn't u dare think otherwise.
OMG what ever happened to the censoring system?
ADMIN, I think you need to improve the censor system, cuz it works on good words but it doesn't on bad words
omg I am so sorry miss but don't worry I'll fix it
dsng it I can't fix it cuz I can't edited it
and one way or another, I'll take riot as a compliment, thank you
OMG is right. I also thought tht the system wld hv stopped bad wrds frm appearin' , there rly mst be somethin' wrg with it. N by the way my friends or forum buds dn't usualy call me miss. Jst 'Eloise', 'E', or 'Elo' is fine with me.
Thanks Eloise and TR :)
I had no internet yesteerday but I thought I would add a little of what I did today. :)
Nope - it still won't upload my pics :(
Anatolia (Asian Turkey) is very famous for its traditional carpet making.
We started the day at an Anatolian Carpet outlet. The carpet making is mostly a Cottage industry. The women work in the fields in the early morning and later afternoon and in between when it is very hot they are indoors working on their rugs. It is a government subsidized industry for the gov’t does not want the tradition to be lost. The oldest Anatolian carpet was found in Siberia. It was preserved in ice and it is 8000 year old. They know it was an Anatolian carpet because Anatolians use a unique double knotting system.
The carpets can be made from Wool, Cotton, Wool and cotton OR silk
PHOTO - Carpet knotting
Next I visited the archeological site of Troy
Wikipaedia - Troy
Wikipaedia – Trojan Horse
PHOTO - Trojan Horse
Troy is a Tell. This means that there were a number of civilizations, 9 in total. It lay unsettled for some time between each one. The reasons for abandonment varied, war, disease, earthquakes are a few possibilities.
But each time a new people would come along and resettle. This is because it is a very strategic spot. It had a good port – which has since been silted up – and it is right near the narrowest spot on the Dardanelles, this is only 1.5km wide and it is a gateway to Europe.
The oldest settlement was about 3000BC is level 1
The newest at about 400-500AD is level 9
This is an archaeological channel which has uncovered settlements from different eras.
PHOTO - Farming view from Troy - There is farming wverywhere in Turkey, Most farmers do not live on their precious soil. They seem to live in high rise "cooperatives" nearby.
I hope that you find something of interest here :))
-Carpet knotting, really interesting how they did it, also they turn out what we would call royaltistic
-Troy!!! Melody, I wonder how did u find the Trojan horse, probably must've used google maps to look for it or someone else already dug it and used it as a public site, either way, it's amazing what's technology can do
melody, u already knows what happens next when u say "are a few possibilities"
TR Rant Time!
melody, you are absolutely wrong! Why do u think there's a horse in the public sites of Troy? And it was not only abandoned, but it fell a long time ago EVEN before Jesus Christ was supposed to come
the #1 reason why it fell in the ancient world was this one reason:
as you can see, miss melody, the Greeks were getting tired of fighting the Trojans, especially since they were doomed after the great Achilles died (it wasn't cuz of Paris shooting an arrow, it was cuz Brad Pitt wasn't looking, otherwise he would've lived) so instead of keep on fighting, Oddyseus comes with a brilliant Boom-Beach quality plan to build a Trojan horse, and secretly keep an army of his troops inside the wooden horse, and take it to Troy, and it was supposed to be a sign of surrender, so the Trojans got drunk, held parties, and by midnight, as soon as most Trojans passed out, the Greeks and Oddyseus get out of the horse, and ATTACK AND BURN THE STREETS OF TROY!!! By the end of the battle, everyone but less than 5 Trojans abandoned Troy, and Troy burned to their fall, upon pillars of salt and sand, and Paris's head was on the Greek's golden plate, which they would later drink the blood from it, and marked the end of the Trojan War, therefore proving that Aphrodite is ugly and Athena is the most beautiful goddess of the three (Athena, Aphrodite, Hera). The only thing that could've prevented the Trojan war was if apples didn't exist, but I would give a pass cuz apples led to the iPhone, iMac, and iPad inventions
so there u go melody, that's the only reason why Troy fell: The Trojan Horse
nice photos overall though
Awesome pics! And very interesting too. I like the way the trojan horse looks. Man, it looks big enough to live in! And I would if I could.
No Elo, if u lived in that horse, u would be killed by the Trojans for mistakingly believe u are going to attack them
p.s. The horse is supposed to be big enough to fit the entire Ancient Greek army
Lol. I hardly think that's likely TR. Oh have u watched Mr. Peabody & Sherman? Remember that bit with the trojan horse? Lol!!!
Thanks Eloise, :))
Hi TR,
It is not know if the Trojan Horse was real of if it was just a fable.
It doesn't matter it is a good story. :))
Today I vistied the Basiilica cistern. It is ha huge water reservoir that was built under the city.
It would be really spooky if there was a blackout and you were down there!!
Again I could not upload pics - are other people uploasding pictures?
Here is the cistern.
Here is some information about it
Here are some fish that have always been used to check that the water quality is alright.
In a seige situations the enemy might try to poison the water supply. Better that the fish die first!
Some of thse fish were really big!
The base of this column has got an upside down portrait of Medusa. Persius cut of Medusa's head of snakes and after that it could be used upside down to ward off evil. Perhaps someone would like to expand on this. I have lots of conflicting versions of why Athena turned Medusa'a beautiful hair into snakes in the first place. :/
Some of the columns are a little different from others. This one is covered in peacock eyes. The eyes represent the hundreds of slaves that died during the construction of the cistern.
I hope that you enjoy these shots. :))
If you want to comment you can do so on this thread. This is not a proper wrap thread so it is ok . :/
Hi Miss Melody, the pics are great :) And I too, cannot upload any pics :( Or even delete my messages :( Can someone speak to the guy in charge plz?
Melody, u asked the right person to tell u
TR Mining The Facts Time!!!!
the most acceptable reason why Athena turned Medusa into the monster is because
(warning: explanation for medusas hair would require TR to go inappropriate mayhem, and the explanation is related to a usually unacceptable practice, in which it may offend certain people, and will he inappropriate, proceed at ur own risk, IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ ANYTHING INAPPROPRIATE OR OFFENSIVE, I SUGGEST STOP READING THIS NOW):
So, if ur like me who paid any attention to Greek history, you'll know that Athena and Poseidon have enormous rivalries, and most of the time they completely hate each other (however, this has nothing to do with Annabeth and Percy in the Percy Jackson book series)
Athena and Poseidon will do anything they can to win over one another
Medusa was known to be highly pretty (more pretty than Mitsuko from Battle Royale), and very attractive, so one day, Poseidon raрed Medusa in Athena's temple
most likely the reason Athena was mad when she found out is that the raрe took place at her temple, and if u were Athena, you wouldn't want ANYONE to trespass your property, especially if that person u don't trust, right?
as u can see, Poseidon and Medusa trespassed her temple
Athena can't punish Poseidon, cuz Poseidons a god, and can simply get out of it
but Medusa isn't, and can live in complete danger
well, that's how the careless 12 Olympian Gods and Goddesses are, but Athena got mad anyways and punished Medusa by turning her hair into snakes, and this punishment was enough....for now....now ruining Medusas beauty forever
later on Athena would send Perseus to k**l Medusa
so, there u go, melody,that's why and how the beautiful Medusa became the girl with snake hair
youre welcome
Wow!!!! That was... horribly interesting... and shocking ... I think I regret reading that now ... But anyways... uhem... ugh... ok, I'm good, I'm good. Right, ...can someone plz speak to Mr. ...er ...er ...Mr. ...I keep forgetting his name!! The guy in charge ok!! Can someone plz talk to him 'bout the problem I refered to earlier. And I... think you've ruined the Ancient Greek stories for me, TR. Not that I blame you, you did give a warning. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Ok, I'm good. Yeah.
Thank you TR for filling in all the gory details :)
I arrived in London this afternoon. We took the train from the airport to the heart of London. We alighted at St. Pancras Station. Our hotel is nearby, we walked, it was raining of course. England is famous for its rain.
Anyway I took this photo of the outside of the station this evening. I like it because you an see the red double decker buses too :)
I am still in London. Here is another pic :)
The Palace of Westminster is the meeting place of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The clock is called Big Ben. (Wikipaedia)
Wow Miss Melody. I can't believe you're in England! I have family there you know. Say hi for me if you see them ;) Lol.
Love the pics btw. :)
Thanks Eloise,
I will maks sure I say hello to every member of your family LOL :)
Hey guys. I just wanted to say that I'll be off forum for a while. But please keep sending me posts about your trip Miss Melody so I can read them when I come back. And please tell Lance (DragonLance) for me please. :-D Bye for now.
I am in Cornwall area in the South West of England. The scenery is beautiful. This is a photo that I took today.
View on the South side of Port Isaac
View on the North side of Port Isaac
Port Isaac is where the show Doc Martin is filmed. I had fun trapsing all over the village trying to spot all the buildings etc used in the show. I found, Doc Martins House and the school and of course the harbour. It was fun. I don't think many U.S. people know this show but it is very well known in England and Australia and probably in many other parts of the world.
Here is Port Isaac. The roads are very steep and narrow.
Look at this great taxi i saw today :)
I had just been to the Museum of History and Science where I had learned a little about Henry Moseley.
So seeing this car was just wonderful.
I was in a double decker bus when I took the shot. I was sitting up the top right at the very front. :)
Henry Moseley
That "Periodic Taxi" is one of the coolest things I've ever seen......thanks for posting that one, Melody !!!!!
That is so awesome that you got to go to Cornwall Miss Melody! I watch Doc Martin every Tuesday night and it is awesome! I'm a huge fan of his show! I also watch Doctor Blake which is an Australia production of a police surgen who's as good a detective than he is at his normal profession. But then you most probably watch it all the time. I just came on to say hi and see how you're all doing, you know, in my absence,
, but anyway, I gotta go now, but it was nice to see you all again. Or at least read you all again, ha, ha... well, um, bye.
Thanks Eloise
I wish I knew you were on, I would have said hello.
I am glad you like my trip posts :)
I like Doc Martin too but I have never even heard of Doctor Blake. That is kind of strange isn't it, but I do not watch much TV.
Next time please send me a message to let me know you are on, It is very easy to miss people's posts these days. I could easily have missed your today post :/
Anyway, stay happy and maybe we can talk next time :))
Melody :)
The number three is waaaayyyyy too hard to wrap, you wont be able to wrap it in time for christmas. put it in a box and wrap both of them together instead.