
Find the circumference of each circle given its radius or diameter. (Round your answers to two decimal places.)


(a) d = 18 in

________ in 

(b)  r = 7 m

_______ m 


(c) 10 cm

_______ cm 


(d) 4.5 ft

_____ ft


Find the circumference of each circle given its radius or diameter. (Round your answers to two decimal places.)

 Sep 2, 2018

The formula for circumference is \(d\pi\).


a) \(d = 18\), so your circumference would be \(18\pi\) inches. Since it is asking to round your answer, we need to multiply \(18\) by \(\pi\), which rounds to \(56.55\) inches. 


b) If \(r = 7\)\(d = 14\). Your circumference would be \(14\pi\) which equals \(43.98\) m.


c) If \(10\) is the diameter, your circumference would be \(10\pi = 31.42\) cm. If \(10\) is the radius, your circumference would be \(20\pi = 62.83\) cm.


d) If \(4.5\) is your diameter, your circumference would be \(4.5\pi = 14.14\) feet. If \(4.5\) is your radius, your circumference would be \(9\pi = 28.27\) feet.


- Daisy

 Sep 2, 2018

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