
If the two roots of the quadratic \( 4x^2+7x+k\) are \( \frac{-7\pm i\sqrt{15}}{8}\), what is k?

 Dec 28, 2017


*Since I'm not sure if that "i" before the \(\sqrt{15}\) , I'm going to assume it's not there. If another user knows what to do with the "i" then you should follow their answer.*




Given the quadratic formula: \(x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ak} \over 2a}\) we already know what the variable a and b are 4 and 7, respectively.


Now, we plug in the knowns into the formula, and we get:  \(x = {-7 \pm \sqrt{7^2-4(4)(k)} \over 2(4)}\)


As a result, you get: \(x = {-7 \pm \sqrt{49-16k} \over 8}\)


Now, since we know that the number inside the square root is 15, to solve for k you can do this:


49-16k = 15

-16k = 15-49

-16k = -34

k = -34 / -16


k = 2.125


Therefore, k equals to 2.125

 Dec 28, 2017
edited by MapleTheory  Dec 28, 2017

I think the "i" is supposed to be there, MapleTheory




The quantity  under the radical  must be  = -15


So......we can solve this...


7^2  - 4(4)k  = - 15


49  -  16k   =   -15


-16k  =  - 64


k  =  4



cool cool cool

 Dec 29, 2017

ah, okay. I was unaware of what the "i" meant, thanks!

MapleTheory  Dec 29, 2017

No prob....I still gave you some points....!!!



cool cool cool

 Dec 29, 2017

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