
a pyramid is 32 m high, the base is square, and its volume is 9600.00m^3


How many steps would it take to walk around. How could I go about getting a general answer for this?

 Mar 5, 2015

Best Answer 


The volume of the pyramid is

9600 = (1/3)s^2 h     where h is the height and s is the length of the side of the square base...so we have

9600 = (1/3) s^2(32)    multiply by 3 and divide by 32

(3/32)9600 = s^2

900 = s^2      take the square root of both sides

30m = s

So...the perimeter of the base woulld be 4s  = 120m

As to how many steps it would take to wlk around the base.....that would depend upon the length of each step......!!!



 Mar 5, 2015
Best Answer

The volume of the pyramid is

9600 = (1/3)s^2 h     where h is the height and s is the length of the side of the square base...so we have

9600 = (1/3) s^2(32)    multiply by 3 and divide by 32

(3/32)9600 = s^2

900 = s^2      take the square root of both sides

30m = s

So...the perimeter of the base woulld be 4s  = 120m

As to how many steps it would take to wlk around the base.....that would depend upon the length of each step......!!!



CPhill Mar 5, 2015

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