
How would i go about solving?


7+- the square root of 9 divided by 2


I got it using the quadratic formula from x^2+4x-7=0

 May 8, 2017

Your question is worded really well .. I can see you have tried it properly for yourself.  I like that :)


7+- the square root of 9 divided by 2

I got it using the quadratic formula from x^2+4x-7=0


\(x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}\\ x = {-4 \pm \sqrt{4^2-4*1*-7} \over 2*1}\\ x = {-4 \pm \sqrt{16--28} \over 2}\\ x = {-4 \pm \sqrt{16+28} \over 2}\\ x = {-4 \pm \sqrt{44} \over 2}\\ x = {-4 \pm \sqrt{4*11} \over 2}\\ x = {-4 \pm2 \sqrt{11} \over 2}\\ x = {2(-2 \pm \sqrt{11} )\over 2}\\ x=-2 \pm \sqrt{11} \)


So if you did not mistype your original equation then you did something wrong with the quadratic formula.



Now I will look at you ACTUAL question ... which is simpler :)

7+- the square root of 9 divided by 2


\(x = {7 \pm \sqrt{9} \over 2}\\ x = {7 \pm 3 \over 2}\\ x = {7 + 3 \over 2} \qquad or \qquad x = {7 - 3 \over 2}\\ x = {10 \over 2} \qquad \;\; or \qquad x = {4 \over 2}\\ x = 5 \qquad \quad or\quad \quad x = 2\\\)


This would have been the solution to      \(x^2-7x+10=0\)

 May 8, 2017

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