
if 5/6 = n/72 what is n?

 Oct 10, 2015

The answer is N=0.99747959


There is several ways to do this. But one easy way would be to solve the left side first.


For example:




that means X^72=0.83333333...


Now we have a base from which to start.


An easy way is to do the 72nd root of the function. On your calculator you should see something that looks like 

This. --->\(\sqrt[x]{}\)


you should type 72 then press that button and enter 0.8333333333333... and you will find the answer to N. Another way you can do that is in grade 12 Advanced functions in Canada... But im sorry at the moment i dont remember as to how.

This way displayed above should easily get you the right answer.


My exact button presses on my calculator is 5 ab/c 6 = ab/c until decimals are shown.  Then i delete the answer so i can type the next function in.Then I do 72\(\sqrt[x]{}\)Ans which means \(\sqrt[72]{0.833333333333}\) Then you should find your answer.

 Oct 10, 2015

5 / 6 = n / 72      cross-multiply


72 * 5 = 6 * n      simplify


360 = 6n    divide both sides by 6


60 = n



cool cool cool

 Oct 10, 2015

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