
If $y+1=2015$, for what positive integer $w$ will $2y^2+2y=2015w$?

 Jun 28, 2015

Best Answer 


If y + 1  = 2015     ....then y = 2014


And we are asked to find w such that......


2(2014)^2 + 2(2014)  = 2015w   ......   rewrite as


2(2014)^2 + 2(2014) = (2014 + 1)w    ....  simplify


2(2014)^2 + 2(2014) = 2014w + w .....  and notice that......if we let w = 2*2014, we have


2(2014)^2 + 2(2014)  = 2014(2*2014) + 2(2014) 


2(2014)^2 + 2(2014)  = 2(2014)^2 + 2(2014).....so w = 2*2014 = 4028



 Jun 28, 2015
Best Answer

If y + 1  = 2015     ....then y = 2014


And we are asked to find w such that......


2(2014)^2 + 2(2014)  = 2015w   ......   rewrite as


2(2014)^2 + 2(2014) = (2014 + 1)w    ....  simplify


2(2014)^2 + 2(2014) = 2014w + w .....  and notice that......if we let w = 2*2014, we have


2(2014)^2 + 2(2014)  = 2014(2*2014) + 2(2014) 


2(2014)^2 + 2(2014)  = 2(2014)^2 + 2(2014).....so w = 2*2014 = 4028



CPhill Jun 28, 2015

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