
let's say someone had a 67% in a class. They do 3 packets that's worth 30 points total. What would my grade be in that class now?

 Dec 1, 2015

Best Answer 


I guess i'm just a little bit confused, my grade in that class is a 67% i don't know what you mean with points. XD

 Dec 1, 2015


 Dec 1, 2015

Nu uh! are you sure?

 Dec 1, 2015

yup because if all 3 packets were a 100% it will be the 300 then add that by 67 which is her grade before she did the packets so that will give you 367 then divide that by 4 which will give you 91.75 then round that which is 91.8%........ :))

 Dec 1, 2015

Is this a trick question or is that "someone" you? The 67% is worth what? 67/100? 335/500? What score was obtained on the 3 30 point packets?


Assuming you had a 67/100 in the class, and you made a perfect score on 3 30 point packets, you have a 74.6%. (67+30 / 100 +30 = 97/130) = 74.6%


If your original 67% was worth more points, (for example, if it was calculated from 335/500) then your grade would be closer to 67%.

 Dec 1, 2015
edited by LambLamb  Dec 1, 2015

Ok. Um. The total points for all 3 packets is 30(so it would be 30/30). in spanish 2, i have a grade of 67% so far, and i wanted to know what my grade would be if i got those 3 packets turned in correctly. :) sorry for the confusion!

 Dec 1, 2015

I fixed it. You should get a 74.6% if you had a 67 out of 100 to start with and get a perfect score.


If you can, tell us out of how many points you have a 67%??


We can tell you a more accurate answer.

 Dec 1, 2015
Best Answer

I guess i'm just a little bit confused, my grade in that class is a 67% i don't know what you mean with points. XD

Hayley1 Dec 1, 2015

Okay. If you made a 67 on a test that was worth 100 points, and you had no other grades in that class, then your grade in that class is 67 points out of 100. ( = 67% )


If you did 10 things in that class, and each was worth 50 points, you did perfectly on 6, made a 70% on 1, and made a 0% on 3, then you will have a (100% * 50 * 6  +  70% * 50  +  0% *50 *3) / (50*10)= 335/500. (=67%)


In both cases, your grade is a 67%.


But when you get a 30/30 on those packets, in the first case, your grade will increase to 97/130 = 74.6%


In the second case, your grade would increase to 365/530 = 68.9%


The more work you have done in that class so far, the smaller the impact those packets have on your grade.


I hope this helps.

 Dec 1, 2015

ohh ok :(

 Dec 1, 2015

Your question does not make sense Hayley :)

 Dec 1, 2015

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