
What is log mean?

Thanks for anyone that helps.

 Dec 27, 2015

Best Answer 


Log is short for "Logarithm".  In mathematics, the logarithm is the inverse operation to exponentiation. That means the logarithm of a number is the exponent to which another fixed value, the base, must be raised to produce that number. In simple cases the logarithm counts repeated multiplication.

Example: The log of 100 to base 10=2. 2 means the number of times you multiply 10 by itself to give you 100. So, because the log is 2, then it we multiply 10 X 10=100. It is written like this:10^2=100.

 Dec 27, 2015
Best Answer

Log is short for "Logarithm".  In mathematics, the logarithm is the inverse operation to exponentiation. That means the logarithm of a number is the exponent to which another fixed value, the base, must be raised to produce that number. In simple cases the logarithm counts repeated multiplication.

Example: The log of 100 to base 10=2. 2 means the number of times you multiply 10 by itself to give you 100. So, because the log is 2, then it we multiply 10 X 10=100. It is written like this:10^2=100.

Guest Dec 27, 2015

Yes, what our guest has said is correct.


A logarithm is an index or an exponent or a power (3 words that mean the same thing)


You can use them if you need to find a missing exponent


For example

\(If\;\;3^x=243\\ then \;\;x=log_3 243\\ x=5\;\; because\;\;3^5=243\\~\\ \)

In words

If 3 to the power of x = 243 then x = log of 243 base 3


Most calculators can only to base 10 or base e and it is easy to change from one base to another but the web2 calc can work in any positive integer base.  I will just check this ://   


log(243,3) = 4.999999999999999   near enough    4.9 repeater actually is 5 anyway://

 Dec 28, 2015

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