
1. Convert the following:

a) 60km/h to m/s

b) 30km/litre to m/millilitre

c) 50m/s to km/h

d) 800cm/s to m/min

e) 10cents/g to *rupees/kg

f) 90km/h to cm/min

g) *R50/mto cents/cm2

h) 10m/millimitre to km/litre


*Seychelles ruppes (look it up on the internet if u don't know)

*R stands for rupees


2. A worker's annual salary is R60, 000. What is his rate of earning per month?


3. A motorcycle covers a distance of 60km on 3litres pf petrol. What is it's average rate of compsuption in km per litre?

 Mar 27, 2016

Hi Eloise,

I shall try and explain how these are done.

1. Convert the following:

a) 60km/h to m/s

First write them as upright fractions.


Now, there are 1000m in a km so 60km=60*1000metres     and

1 hour = 60 minutes and each minute = 60 seconds so  1 hour = 60*60 seconds.

No I'll show you how it all comes together. :)

\(\frac{60km}{1 hour}\\ =\frac{60*1000\;metres}{1*60\;minutes}\\ =\frac{60000\;metres}{60*60seconds}\\ =\frac{600\not{0}\not{0}\;metres}{6\not{0}*6\not{0}seconds}\\ =\frac{\not{6}^100\;metres}{6*\not{6}seconds}\\ =\frac{100\;metres}{6seconds}\\ =16.\dot6\;m/s\)


b,c,d,e, f and h  are all very similar, you should try them for yourself and then get us to check your answers.


b) 30km/litre to m/millilitre

c) 50m/s to km/h

d) 800cm/s to m/min

e) 10cents/g to *rupees/kg

f) 90km/h to cm/min


g is a bit trickier - since there are 100cm in a metre, there must be 100^2 = 10000 cm^2 in a metre ^2

Now you know that, it is the same as the others :)


g) *R50/m2 to cents/cm2

h) 10m/millimitre to km/litre


*Seychelles ruppes (look it up on the internet if u don't know)

*R stands for rupees


2. A worker's annual salary is R60, 000. What is his rate of earning per month?

HINT: How many months are there in a year?


3. A motorcycle covers a distance of 60km on 3litres pf petrol. What is it's average rate of compsuption in km per litre?

This is a straight division question.      km divided by litres


Have a go at some of them by yourself now :)

 Mar 27, 2016

If you get stuck, you may wish to visit this link:


 Mar 27, 2016

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