
The admission fee at an amusement park is $1.50 for children and $4 for adults. On a certain day, 292 people entered the park, and the admission fees collected totaled 888.00 dollars. How many children and how many adults were admitted?


I couldn't find a relevant video for something like this, if you just sent a link that would be very helpful.


 Mar 2, 2018
edited by Mikeyy  Mar 2, 2018

Let the number of adults = A

Let the number of children = C


A + C =292

4A + 1.5C = 888. solve for A, C

A = 292 - C

4[292 - C] + 1.5C = 888

1,168 - 4C + 1.5C = 888

-2.5C = - 280

C = -280 / -2.5

C = 112 - Number of childern

292 - 112 = 180 - Number of adults  

 Mar 2, 2018

You can also solve it using just one variable:

Let the number of adults = A, then:

The number of children = 292 - A


4A + 1.5[292 - A] = 888

4A + 438 - 1.5A = 888

4A - 1.5A = 888 - 438

2.5A = 450

A =450 / 2.5

A = 180 - Number of adults

292 - 180 = 112 - Number of children.

 Mar 2, 2018

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