
Santi and Vlado drove together from NY to New Orleans. Both drove the same amount of time, but Santi drove 75% as quickly as Vlado. If the drive took a total of 24 hours and New Orleans is 1304 miles from NY, approximately how many miles did Santi drive?


A 326

B 560

C 744

D 978


I thought it was 978 but it isnt. This trick question' explianation behind the correct answer B doesn't make any sense to me...... Somebody help? 












Hoold up I just realized something, at first I thought they are driving at the same time with differentcar, but now it just appears to be they just carpool and take turns driving the car. Is this it?

 Aug 28, 2018
edited by mrlevan3  Aug 28, 2018

So each drove  12 hrs


And Rate * Time = Distance


So...call Vlado's rate R  and Santi's rate (.75R)    and we have


Santi's Rate * Time Driving  + Vlado's Rate  * Time Driving  = Total Distance



.75R (12)   + R(12)  = 1304  simplify


R(9) + R(12)  =  1304


R (21)  = 1304   divide both sids by 21


R ≈ 62.1  mph


So Santi  drove  ≈   .75 (62.1) (12)  ≈ 559 miles ⇒  round to   560 miles



cool cool cool

 Aug 28, 2018
edited by CPhill  Aug 28, 2018

Thaaank you, u helped big time, BIG TIME!

mrlevan3  Aug 28, 2018

Yep...taking turns driving is the way I interpret  it...each drives 12 hours




cool cool cool

 Aug 28, 2018

Here is another way:


1304/24 =54 1/3 miles - average speed of both men
[54 1/3 x 2] / 1.75 =~62 miles - average speed of Vlado
62.1 x 0.75 =~46.7 miles - average speed of Santi
12 hours x 62 =~744 - miles driven by Vlado.
12 hours x 46.7 =~560 - miles driven by Santi.

 Aug 28, 2018
edited by Guest  Aug 28, 2018

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