
What number squared equals 108

 Apr 2, 2015

Best Answer 


Let's look at the squared number list. 


1^2 =1

2^2 =4

3^2 =9

4^2 =16

5^2 =25

6^2 =36

7^2 =49

8^2 =64

9^2 =81

10^2 =100

11^2 =121


108 doesn't fit into any of these, so this is going to be done using a calculator. Or an elaborae formula, so called, that I don't want to go through. 


To find this number's square root, punch into the calculator 

$$square root$$ 108


TO check your answer, look back at the list. The number 108 falls between 100 and 121, so the final answer should be between 10 and 11. Make sense?


Hope it helps! 

 Apr 2, 2015
Best Answer

Let's look at the squared number list. 


1^2 =1

2^2 =4

3^2 =9

4^2 =16

5^2 =25

6^2 =36

7^2 =49

8^2 =64

9^2 =81

10^2 =100

11^2 =121


108 doesn't fit into any of these, so this is going to be done using a calculator. Or an elaborae formula, so called, that I don't want to go through. 


To find this number's square root, punch into the calculator 

$$square root$$ 108


TO check your answer, look back at the list. The number 108 falls between 100 and 121, so the final answer should be between 10 and 11. Make sense?


Hope it helps! 

Guest Apr 2, 2015

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