
cheekyBetween 7/10 and 9/14, which one is bigger?????

 Feb 3, 2016

Best Answer 


Thanks, Yura_chan.....here's another method that doesn't involve common denominators at all  !!!


7 / 10        9 /14      


Cross-multiply the 14 and 7 and put the result  on the left......then......do the same with the 10 and 9 and put the result on the right......so we have


14*7        10*9


98            90


Since the number on the left is larger than the number on the right......the original fraction on the left [7/10]  is larger than the origiinal fraction on the right [ 9/14]  !!!



cool cool cool

 Feb 3, 2016
edited by CPhill  Feb 3, 2016

7/10 is bigger.


To reach this answer you take a common denominator by multiplying the given denominators with the opposite numerators.


7(14)= 98


Thus 98 > 90.

 Feb 3, 2016
Best Answer

Thanks, Yura_chan.....here's another method that doesn't involve common denominators at all  !!!


7 / 10        9 /14      


Cross-multiply the 14 and 7 and put the result  on the left......then......do the same with the 10 and 9 and put the result on the right......so we have


14*7        10*9


98            90


Since the number on the left is larger than the number on the right......the original fraction on the left [7/10]  is larger than the origiinal fraction on the right [ 9/14]  !!!



cool cool cool

CPhill Feb 3, 2016
edited by CPhill  Feb 3, 2016


 Feb 3, 2016

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