For a male 69 inches tall what weights will keep his body mass index between 18 and 30
 Apr 5, 2014
I'm probably a little out of my element here, but I'll give it a shot.
The "formula" for BMI =

(weight in pounds * 703 )
height in inches²

So, for a BMI of 18 we have
18 = (W) (703) / (69^2), where W is what we're trying to find
First, multiply both sides by (69^2)...this gives us
18* (69^2) = W * 703
Now divide both sides by 703...this gives
18* (69^2) / 703 = W........and simplifying we have that W ≈ 122 lbs.

And for a BMI of 30 we have
30 = (W) (703) / (69^2)
First, multiply both sides by (69^2)...this gives us
30* (69^2) = W * 703
Now divide both sides by 703...this gives
30* (69^2) / 703 = W........and simplifying we have that W ≈ 203 lbs.

So, to keep a BMI between 18 and 30......the man should weigh between 122 and 203 lbs.
 Apr 5, 2014
Wow! I was using the right formula to figure the problem but completely in the wrong order . How do you do it and make it seem so easy. I envy your ability to work these problems out like you just did. I have been trying to get the correct answer since yesterday but the math Xl program that my course uses kept saying it was wrong ( because as I now can see, I was wrong) Thanks again so much for your help. Have a great day! =)
 Apr 5, 2014

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