ou're looking for the remainder when the sum of factorials from 1! to 100! is divided by 2.
1! = 1
2! = 2
3! = 6
4! = 24
5! = 120
Notice that starting from 2!, every factorial is an even number (because it includes a factor of 2).
So, when we divide each factorial by 2:
1! / 2 leaves a remainder of 1.
2! / 2 leaves a remainder of 0.
3! / 2 leaves a remainder of 0.
4! / 2 leaves a remainder of 0.
100! / 2 leaves a remainder of 0.
Therefore, the sum of the remainders is 1 + 0 + 0 + ... + 0 = 1.
So, the remainder when 1! + 2! + 3! + ... + 100! is divided by 2 is 1.