Do you really mean 'without a calculator', or are you simply not allowed to use the power ^ button ? The 5th root of 12 is 1.643752 (6dp). How many decimal are you supposed to calculate ? Whatever numerical method you use there is going to be a fair amount of heavyish arithmetic.
Best of the elementary methods is Newton-Raphson, (the formula for which you will find in the first response to this question).
Using that method,
$$f(x)=x^{5}-12, \text{ so that } f'(x)=5x^{4}$$
and so
Starting with x0=1.5, that produces the sequence 1.674, 1.64483, 1.643753, 1.643752, (so convergence to 6dp after 4 iterations).
Good luck if you have to do this on paper !