plus sign buddy :)
happy birthday! how old???
the sum of 790? ummm....ummmm
[2x(3x)] + [2x⋅7] − [5(3x)] − [5⋅7]
6x2 + 14x - 15x - 35
6x2 - x - 35
neither. its zero
velocity = distance/time
velocity = 2345 m/315 sec
velocity = 7.4 m/sec
(205)(18) = 3690
i suppose that x is suppose to be after "10 +"
6 + 7 = 10 + x
13 = 10 + x
3 = x
yup thats me
ik. i was here a longggg time ago.
9.92755045398757 :P
hi, guys!
I'm great. Its been such a long time since ive been on here. i miss it and the people on here too. Im fantastic. I am on my second yr of senior year in highschool because my dad didn't want to graduate me at 16 and send me to a university. Soooo....I'm taking another year of HS, dual enrolling at UMUC (University of Maryland University College), and then taking a gap year before I go to college. I also turn 17 in less than two months! woop!
yea its been crazy.
LOL ok. thats good that u got a vaccine. i was just about to ask u that! :)
and im sorry about ur mom! tell her to get well soon! :)
yea. just wait awhile just to make sure
then i suggest u wait a week or so and watch and c if more red bumps appear. if so, post anther pic on the forum and ask us again. ill do more research on it. u r correct that it does start like that in its early stages.... but do some more research. ;)
i am kind of confused. is there supose to b a sign in between the x and 5?
nah i doubt it. does it show up like this? if so... thennnnnn u have chicken pox