Could you be specific?
how do I work out radians?
doesnt really give us much to go on.:))
Good I'm not sure what time it is for you:) How do I edit an answer after I put it down? I did last night but it's not letting me do it right now.:))))
Guten Morgen and Guten Noch!
Thanks! And you sure Melody, I sure could use some 15karat gold right about now! :)
I'm getting confused. Don't contradict each other explain how the other was wrong. :)
ROFL! I am dying! :))))))
I'm not sure, I don't know how to do it. I was hoping guest would explain so I could learn, Idk what the compound interest is. :)
:)You win, lol!
Try to explain in more detail, so that if they didn't already know the answer they can learn. :)