
Questions 0
Answers 93


By the angle bisector theorem, we have AD/DB = AC/BC, or AD/(4) = (AC)/(BC). Similarly, we have BE/EC = AB/AC and CF/AF = BC/AB. Multiplying these equations, we get:

(Area of triangle ABC)^2 = AD*BE*CF*(AC/BC)*(AB/AC)*(BC/AB)

Now, we can use the fact that the sum of the lengths of the angle bisectors is equal to the perimeter of the triangle, or AI+BI+CI = AB+BC+CA, to find the lengths of the other two angle bisectors. We have:

AI = DI+8 = 11
CI/CA = BI/BA = 8/(AC+8)
CI = (AC*8)/(AC+8)
BI/BA = 8/(AB+8)
BA = (8AB)/(AB+8)

Now, we can use the fact that the area of a triangle can be expressed as (1/2) * base * height, where the height is the length of the altitude to that base. Let h be the length of the altitude from A to BC, and let x be the length of the altitude from D to BC. Then we have:

AD/x = AC/h
x/h = AD/AC = 3/(AC+4)

Similarly, we have:

BE/y = AB/h
y/h = BE/AB = 4/(AC+4)

CF/z = BC/h
z/h = CF/BC = CI/(BC+BA+CI)
z/h = 11/(AC+AB+11)

Now, we can express the area of triangle ABC in terms of x, y, and z:

(Area of triangle ABC) = (1/2) * BC * h
= (1/2) * BC * (x+y+z)
= (1/2) * BC * [(3/(AC+4))x + (4/(AC+4))y + (11/(AC+AB+11))z]

Substituting the expressions for x, y, and z in terms of AC and AB, we get:

(Area of triangle ABC) = (1/2) * BC * [(3AD/(AC+4))BE + (4BE/(AC+4))AD + (11CI/(AC+AB+11))CF]
= (1/2) * BC * [(3*3/(AC+4))*4 + (4*4/(AC+4))*3 + (11*8/(AB+AC+11))*5]

Substituting the values given in the problem, we get:

(Area of triangle ABC) = (1/2) * BC * [12/(AC+4) + 16/(AC+4) + 40/(AB+AC+11)]
= (1/2) * BC * [28/(AC+4) + 40/(AB+AC+11)]

Now, we can use the fact that the area of a triangle can also be expressed as (1/2) * a * b * sin(C), where a and b are two sides of the triangle and C is the angle between them. Let AB = c, BC = a, and CA = b. Then we have:

(Area of triangle ABC) = (1/2) * a * b * sin(C)
= (1/2) * (a/2) * (b/2) * (2 sin(C))
= (1/2) * (a/2) * (b/2) * (2sqrt((s-a)(s-b)(s-c))/ab)
= sqrt((s-a)(s-b)(s-c))*1/4

where s = (a+b+c)/2 is the semiperimeter of the triangle. Substituting a = BC, b = AC, and c = AB, we get:

(Area of triangle ABC) = sqrt((s-BC)(s-AC)(s-AB))*1/4
= sqrt((6)(2)(2)(2))/4
= sqrt(6)

Therefore, the area of triangle ABC is sqrt(6).

Mar 13, 2023

We can solve this problem using geometric probability. Let A be the area of triangle XYZ, which is (1/2)(12)(6) = 36. We can think of the point D as being chosen uniformly at random in the triangle XYZ. This means that any point in the triangle is equally likely to be chosen.

Let's consider the set of all possible points D that could be chosen. Since D can be any point in the triangle, this set is just the triangle XYZ itself. Let's call the set of all points within the triangle that make triangle XYD have area at most 20 as set S.

We want to find the probability that a randomly chosen point D is in set S. This probability is given by:

P(D in S) = (Area of S) / (Area of XYZ)

Let's find the area of S. We can think of S as being the region above line XY and below line DZ, where D is any point on line XY such that triangle XYD has area 20. Let's call the intersection of line XY and line DZ point E. Then triangle XYD has base 12 and height 20/12 = 5/3. This means that point D lies on a line parallel to YZ and 5/3 units above line XY. Let's call this line l.

The point E divides line YZ into two segments of length 2 and 4, since XY is perpendicular to YZ and XY = 12. Therefore, the distance from point E to line YZ is 2/3 of the length of YZ, or 4. We can use this information to find the equation of line l in slope-intercept form:

The slope of line l is -3/5 (since it is parallel to YZ and perpendicular to XY), and it passes through point (0, 5/3) (since it is 5/3 units above XY). Therefore, the equation of line l is:

y = (-3/5)x + 5/3

We want to find the x-coordinates of the points where line l intersects lines XY and DZ. Let's call these points F and G, respectively. To find the x-coordinate of point F, we plug in y = 0 into the equation of line l:

0 = (-3/5)x + 5/3

Solving for x, we get:

x = 5

Therefore, point F has coordinates (5, 0). To find the x-coordinate of point G, we plug in y = 6 into the equation of line l:

6 = (-3/5)x + 5/3

Solving for x, we get:

x = 19/3

Therefore, point G has coordinates (19/3, 6). The area of triangle XYD is (1/2)(12)(DF), where DF is the distance from point D to line XY. We want this area to be at most 20, so we have:

(1/2)(12)(DF) ≤ 20

Solving for DF, we get:

DF ≤ 10/3

This means that any point D on line l such that DF ≤ 10/3 will be in set S. We can find the x-coordinates of these points by solving the inequality:

(-3/5)x + 5/3 ≤ 10/3

Solving for x, we get:

x ≤ 25/3

Therefore, the set S is the region bounded by lines XY, DZ, and the line:

y = (-3/5)x + 5/3

in the triangle XYZ, where the x-coordinate of any point in this region is at most 25/3.

We can find the area of S by finding the area of the region bounded by lines XY, DZ, and the line y = (-3/5)x + 5/3 whose x-coordinate is at most 25/3. We can break this region into two triangles and a trapezoid. The area of the two triangles is:

(1/2)(12)(5/3) + (1/2)(25/3)(6-5/3) = 25/3

The area of the trapezoid is:

(1/2)(25/3 + 5)(5/3) = 100/9

Therefore, the area of S is:

25/3 + 100/9 = 275/27

Finally, we can find the probability that a randomly chosen point D is in set S by dividing the area of S by the area of XYZ:

P(D in S) = (275/27) / 36 = 275/972

Therefore, the probability that the area of triangle XYD is at most 20 is 275/972.

Mar 10, 2023

We can solve this problem by using the Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion (PIE). We first count the total number of ways to seat the six children without any restrictions.

There are 6 choices for the first seat, 5 choices for the second seat (since one child has already been seated), and so on, for a total of 6! = 720 possible arrangements.

Next, we count the number of arrangements where at least one pair of siblings sit next to each other in the same row. We can choose one of the three pairs of siblings to sit together, and then there are 2 ways to arrange these siblings within the pair. There are 4 choices for the first seat in the row containing the pair, and then 3 choices for the second seat (since one child is already seated), for a total of 3 * 2 * 4 * 3 * 2 = 144 arrangements. However, we have overcounted the arrangements where two pairs of siblings sit together, so we need to subtract them off.

There are 3 ways to choose which two pairs of siblings sit together, and then there are 2 ways to arrange each pair within their respective row. There are 2 choices for the first seat in the row containing the first pair, and then 1 choice for the second seat (since the other child in that pair is already seated), and 2 choices for the first seat in the row containing the second pair, and then 1 choice for the second seat (since the other child in that pair is already seated), for a total of 3 * 2 * 2 * 1 * 2 * 1 = 24 arrangements.

However, we have subtracted too much, since there is one arrangement where all three pairs of siblings sit together in the same row that we have subtracted twice. There are 3! = 6 ways to arrange the three pairs within the row, and then 3! = 6 ways to arrange the rows, for a total of 6 * 6 = 36 arrangements.

Therefore, the number of arrangements where at least one pair of siblings sit together in the same row is 144 - 24 + 36 = 156.

Finally, we subtract this number from the total number of arrangements to get the number of arrangements where no pair of siblings sit together in the same row:

720 - 156 = 564.

Therefore, there are 564 ways to seat the three pairs of siblings from different families in two rows of three chairs, if siblings may sit next to each other in the same row, but no child may sit directly in front of their sibling.

Mar 10, 2023

We can solve this problem using the Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion (PIE). We first find the total number of ways each child can choose a flavor, which is 3 choices for each child, or 3^6 = 729 total possible combinations.

Next, we find the number of ways that no flavor is selected by exactly three children. This means that either no flavor is selected by any of the children, or one flavor is selected by two children and the other two flavors are selected by one child each. 

Case 1: No flavor is selected by any of the children
There is only one way this can happen - each child chooses a different flavor. There are 3 choices for the first child, 2 choices for the second child (since one flavor has already been chosen), and so on, for a total of 3! = 6 possible combinations.

Case 2: One flavor is selected by two children and the other two flavors are selected by one child each
There are 3 ways to choose which flavor is selected by two children. Then there are 5 choices for the first child (any flavor except the one chosen by the two children), 4 choices for the second child (any remaining flavor except the one chosen by the two children), and so on, for a total of 3 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 360 possible combinations.

Therefore, the number of ways that no flavor is selected by exactly three children is 6 + 360 = 366.

Finally, we use PIE to find the number of ways that at least one flavor is selected by exactly three children. This is given by:

Total - (No flavor is selected by exactly three children)
= 729 - 366
= 363

Therefore, there are 363 ways that each child can choose a flavor for their scoop of ice cream so that some flavor of ice cream is selected by exactly three children.

Mar 10, 2023