Is the amplitude dictated in relation to the midline? So, instead of being 4, would it be 1?
Regarding the equation on the centerline, that would be y = 3.
Is the wavelength just 2π?
y-intercept: 3
Amplitude: 4
Centerline Equation: y = 0 [Or is it something like (0, 3)? Just making sure of the "parameters," or is it always a single number?]
Wavelength: (2π, 3)?
Ohh, I misunderstood. It would be 2π then, yes?
y-intercept: 0
Amplitude: 1
Centerline Equation: y = 0
Wavelength: π
Is that correct? I apologize, this is all extremely foreign to me, and sometimes I get lost with all these names for things.
The centre line is Y = (0, 0), correct? Would that imply the amplitude is 1?
This is correct in structure then, yes?
OOPS! That was my fault. I'm so sorry. I'll correct that.
Ohhh! Is it A?
I answered.