This is for you GingerAle...
First of all, don't say hypercube because a cube is not a tesseract as glorified as you want to make said cubes. Nothing you do to a cube will make it a tesseract so don't go there with your hypercubes. (unless of course, this discussion included a large and inconvenient list of shapes across a wide span of dimensions)
Second, of all, you don't read minds. Stop saying you do. Stop making a fool of yourself. Everyone knows it so please stop embarrassing yourself and just stop. Makes you sound childish af.
Third, it is the art of math NOT math of art... know what you are talking about before speaking of it. Okay?
Fourth, great job really... claps* more claps* sarcastic and slow claps* long silence*
Oh and lastly, any hyper-cuboid as you would probably put it has just one diagonal. If you actually know what a diagonal is then it would be silly to say that any shape of any dimension would have more than one diagonal.
This is for you Melody...
I respect what you said. If Gingerale wants to continue then he/she will respond and I will happily continue with Gingerale in private. (btw I am learning... it just is not math from this experience)
As for anyone else...
post HERE in PUBLIC if you would like to attempt my second problem.