
Questions 8
Answers 93


We can analyze the system of quadratic equations to determine the number of real solutions for different values of c. Here's how:


Analyzing the Discriminant:


The discriminant of a quadratic equation determines the nature of its roots (solutions). It is denoted by the symbol b2−4ac. In this case, considering the first equation (y = 6x^2 - 9x + c):


a = 6


b = -9


c (variable)


The discriminant (d) for the first equation is:


d = (-9)^2 - 4 * 6 * c


The number of real solutions depends on the value of the discriminant:


d > 0: Two real and distinct solutions (roots)


d = 0: One repeated real solution (root)


d < 0: No real solutions (complex roots)


Relating Discriminant to c:


We want to find the values of c that correspond to each case.


(a) Exactly one real solution:


For exactly one real solution (repeated root), the discriminant needs to be zero.


Therefore, we need to solve:


0 = (-9)^2 - 4 * 6 * c


This simplifies to:


c = \frac{81}{24} = \dfrac{7}{2}


(b) More than one real solution:


For more than one real solution (distinct roots), the discriminant needs to be positive.


Therefore, we need to solve:


0 < (-9)^2 - 4 * 6 * c


This simplifies to:


c < \dfrac{81}{24} = \dfrac{7}{2}


(c) No real solutions:


For no real solutions (complex roots), the discriminant needs to be negative.


Therefore, we need to solve:


0 > (-9)^2 - 4 * 6 * c


This simplifies to:


c > \dfrac{81}{24} = \dfrac{7}{2}




(a) Exactly one real solution: c = dfrac{7}{2}


(b) More than one real solution: c < dfrac{7}{2}


(c) No real solutions: c > dfrac{7}{2}

Apr 15, 2024

We can solve for a and b by utilizing the given information about A and its effect on x and y, along with the property of matrix multiplication.


Here's how we proceed:


Analyze the equation (A^5)x = ax + by:


This equation states that applying matrix A to vector x five times consecutively (A raised to the power of 5) results in a linear combination of x and y, with coefficients a and b.


Utilize the information about A:


We are given that Ax = y and Ay = x + 2y. These equations define how A transforms x and y.


Express (A^5)x in terms of x and y:


We can't directly expand (A^5) as it's a high power. However, we can use the given information about A iteratively.


Start with the first equation: (A^2)x = A(Ax) = A(y).


Substitute from the first given equation: (A^2)x = Ay.


Use the second given equation: (A^2)x = x + 2y.


Similarly, we can continue:


(A^3)x = A((A^2)x) = A(x + 2y) = Ax + 2Ay (using the definition of matrix multiplication).


Substitute from the first given equation: (A^3)x = y + 2(x + 2y) = 3x + 4y.


We can repeat this process further, but the pattern should be clear.


Find an expression for (A^4)x and (A^5)x:


Following the established pattern, we can see that:


(A^4)x = 3(A^3)x = 3(3x + 4y) = 9x + 12y.


(A^5)x = 3(A^4)x = 3(9x + 12y) = 27x + 36y.


Substitute (A^5)x in the original equation:


The original equation is: (A^5)x = ax + by.


Substitute the expression we found for (A^5)x: 27x + 36y = ax + by.


Solve for a and b:


We want to isolate a and b. Since x and y are not multiples of each other, we can treat them as independent variables.


If we set y = 0, the equation becomes 27x = ax, which implies a = 27.


If we set x = 0, the equation becomes 36y = by, which implies b = 36.


Therefore, in the equation (A^5)x = ax + by, the values of a and b are:


a = 27


b = 36

Apr 15, 2024

Analyzing the function f(x) = floor((2 - 3x) / (x + 3)):


The denominator (x + 3) is 0 when x = -3. This means f(x) is undefined at x = -3.


We will need to consider different cases based on the sign of the denominator (x + 3) and the relative values of 2 - 3x compared to 0.


Cases for f(x):


x < -3: In this case, both denominator (x + 3) and numerator (2 - 3x) are negative. Dividing two negative numbers results in a positive value.


Since we take the floor (greatest integer less than or equal to), f(x) will be -1.


-3 < x < 2/3: Here, the denominator (x + 3) is positive, but the numerator (2 - 3x) is negative.


Dividing a positive by a negative results in a negative number.


Taking the floor of a negative number keeps it negative, so f(x) will be -2.


x = 2/3: At this specific point, the numerator becomes 0, and the result of the division is 0. The floor of 0 is 0, so f(x) = 0.


x > 2/3: In this case, both the numerator (2 - 3x) and denominator (x + 3) are positive. Dividing two positive numbers results in a positive value.


Taking the floor doesn't change the positive sign, so f(x) will be 1.


Evaluating the sum:


The key to evaluating the sum efficiently is to recognize that for a large range of x values (between -3 and 2/3), f(x) will be -2.


We can exploit this by calculating the number of terms that fall into this range and summing the contributions from the remaining terms separately.


Number of terms where f(x) = -2:


We know x = -3 falls outside this range (f(x) is undefined).


The range ends when x = 2/3, which is between terms 1000 and 1001 (1000th term is x = 999 and 1001st term is x = 1000).


Therefore, there are 1000 - (-3) + 1 = 1004 terms where f(x) = -2.


Contribution from terms where f(x) = -2:


Each term contributes -2 to the sum.


Total contribution = -2 * (number of terms) = -2 * 1004 = -2008


Remaining terms:


We need to consider terms for x < -3 (f(x) = -1), x = 2/3 (f(x) = 0), and x > 2/3 (f(x) = 1).


There are very few terms less than -3 (all negative x values), and they can be ignored for a large sum like this (their contribution will be negligible).


There's only one term for x = 2/3, contributing f(2/3) = 0.


The remaining terms from x slightly greater than 2/3 to x = 1000 will all have f(x) = 1. The exact number of these terms depends on the specific values, but there will be significantly fewer compared to the 1004 terms with f(x) = -2.


Overall Sum:


Sum from terms with f(x) = -2: -2008


Contribution from f(2/3) (x = 2/3): 0


Contribution from remaining terms with f(x) = 1 (positive but less than those with -2): + (positive value)


Since the number of terms with f(x) = 1 is significantly less than those with -2, and there's a negligible contribution from terms less than -3, the positive value from the remaining terms will be much smaller than 2008.


Therefore, the overall sum f(1) + f(2) + ... + f(999) + f(1000) is equal to -2008.

Mar 24, 2024