lol, it still is dumb you spelled it that way. Also, it is dumb that you asked that question in general quite frankly. You should've learned this in s*x ed you 8 year old
that was so wise 0-0 i feel like i just walked into a temple on a huge hill 0-0
lol thanks. and if he spelled it right it would be a baby. it would be "D**k + P***y= Baby"
Actually, it equals nothing because he spelled |P***Y| wrong. wha kind of idiot cant spell it??? JC
dont forget about his brother
Math has no body. it isnt a person. Math was created a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.. jk jk . it was created by the Greeks in ancient times.
it is physically impossible to determine the answer because anything divided by 0 is impossible. imagine dividing 8 pies with 0 do you do it? well, you cant. there isnt anyone to share it with.. so in conclusion the answer is undetermined.
because when a guy likes a girl they decide to------wrong lesson ... ummmmmmm awkward :/