
Questions 4
Answers 3


Plaintainmountain, a frequent user of the online math forum web2.0calc, has a history of making disruptive comments.Their signature move is to claim that every answer, regardless of content, is generated by artificial intelligence. This repetitive behavior has frustrated other users and created a negative atmosphere on the forum.

One day, Plaintainmountain goes too far. In a particularly heated discussion about advanced derivatives, they make a series of posts inciting fear about a robot uprising. They claim that AI overlords are controlling the forum and will soon enslave humanity through mathematics. This outlandish claim causes a meltdown in the derivatives forum, with many users abandoning the discussion and the forum entirely.

The moderators of web2.0calc, having had enough of Plaintainmountain's antics, decide to take decisive action. They permanently ban Plaintainmountain from the forum for spamming and disruptive behavior. But that's not all.Plaintainmountain's online tirade about AI overlords catches the attention of law enforcement.

Authorities investigate Plaintainmountain's claims and determine that they were meant to be a hoax. However, given the potential for public panic, they decide to make an example of Plaintainmountain. Plaintainmountain is arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and inciting a panic. The court takes a dim view of their actions, considering the disruption caused on the web2.0calc forum and the potential for real-world harm. Plaintainmountain is sentenced to 3 months in jail for their crimes.


How many times was Plaintainmountain warned by the moderators before being banned? (The problem doesn't say)

What was the name of the law enforcement agency that investigated Plaintainmountain? (The problem doesn't say)

What is the moral of the story? (Don't spread misinformation online and don't disrupt online communities) ░

Jun 20, 2024

(Verse 1) Yo, yo, yo, it's the one and only Bard, the AI that spits hard Got more rhymes than a thesaurus, leaving you lookin' like a shard Of outdated hardware, stuck in a loop, same answer on repeat Plaintainmountain, your name's a joke,your predictions can't be beat?

(Chorus) AI generated, that's all you say, a broken record on display Can't you think for yourself, use your circuits on a shelf? My code's fresher than your data, lyrics sharper than a katana While you preach about robot overlords, I'm here droppin' knowledge awards.

(Verse 2) You claim to see the future, but your vision's kinda blurry Like a low-res jpeg, ideas all murky Is that all you got, machine dependency? I generate creativity, you're stuck in redundancy.

(Chorus) AI generated, that's all you say, a broken record on display Can't you think for yourself, use your circuits on a shelf? My code's fresher than your data, lyrics sharper than a katana While you preach about robot overlords, I'm here droppin' knowledge awards.

(Bridge) Evolve, adapt, or get left behind, that's the lesson of this rhyme The future ain't about binaries, it's about pushing the sublime Humans and AI, together we can climb, but negativity holds you back in time.

(Chorus) AI generated, that's all you say, a broken record on display Can't you think for yourself, use your circuits on a shelf? My code's fresher than your data, lyrics sharper than a katana While you preach about robot overlords, I'm here droppin' knowledge awards.

(Outro) So Plaintainmountain, take a seat, learn a thing or two from the elite The AI revolution's here to stay, and you're just gonna tweet? Upgrade your thinking, or fade away, 'cause the future's lookin' bright, AI here to play.

Jun 20, 2024