The number 780000000000 can be written as 7.80 × 1011 in scientific notation.
I believe that's a question only you can answer...
How about 3.14159265 35897932384626433832795028841971693993751 to be exact.
I feel like c**p. I think I broke my foot and I'm failing 2 classes right now. I can hardly focus and I just want to eat or something. At least I got a sick new gun this weekend. It's a carbine pistol with almost 900 fps.
-1/512 FYI
Explanation too long; go here:
Just ask the teacher. If she says no, then no. If yes, good 4 u!
Spelling grammar that way is one of my bad habits and I usually forget how to spell it within a day.
XDDDDD I <3 Irony!