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Your purpose in life is to live. All the people on this earth was born for a reason. Many people think that there really isn't a reason to live on this earth. Many people think "why am I here?". Well, I think that everyone has a reason to be alive and breathe on this planet. You may not really find your reason tomorrow or even the next day. Just know that you have one. In your won way, you are changing the world every single second you're alive whether its putting carbon dioxide in the air or even just smelling a flower. Every second you're alive, you have a wonderful purpose to be alive.

As for no one loving you, I may not know you but I love every creature and person on this earth whether I like it or not. I just can't help it. And your friends, why would they be friends with you if they didn't love you or even't like you? Would you be friends with someone you didn't like? Ok then. They love you whether you realize that or not. I think that your parents love you too even when they may ont sometimes. I have those moments a lot and I think they do too. Just know that everyone loves you.

And then theres the 3 attempts. You want to know a secret? I think that the reason you are still alive is because God is not ready for you to come to his kingdom Heaven. He wants you to stay on this earth untill you fulfill your purpose. That's why you're not dead. I can remember the summer of my third grade year, July 26th, I was in a fatal car accident. I was smacked in the face with a car seat, lost some permanent teeth, and knocked out unconcious. The doctors told my parents there was not a chance at all that I would live. I had 2 emergency sugeries and the doctors just didn't think I would servive. They said it would be a merical if I did servive. The next morning, I responding. I was going to get to live. I just had to go through another surgery. Just know that when God is ready for you to die, you'll know when you see the Lord himself. Don't k**l yourself and try to die early. It's a sin. Just live and you life will get a lot better soon. I promise.

Sep 9, 2014