The REVEALING of the number...
NOW try & solve it!
Willam the Conqueror (/William of Normandy/William the B*****d) conquering England in the Battle of Hastings.
You have to go as fast as the speed of light.
This means that travelling back in time is impossible as you would have to go faster than the speed of light.
This also means that if you ran 100m and two people time you-yourself and someone not running-then your time would be faster than the other guy's time. You wouldn't notice it though as you only go up to about 20-30mph (30-35 if you're very fast)-a fraction of the speed of light.
I have used the good old British billion:
1% of 14 billion=14,000,000,000,000/100=140,000,000,000
zacismyname used the american billion.
It is obviously one hour+ so:
60 minutes/15=4 minutes
One hour & four minutes!
Add a zero to the end (because you are doing x10).
10 x 383824833883=3838248338830
& zacismyname