
Questions 0
Answers 8

Mar 21, 2023


I have a suggestion for you let see 

(a) To find the equations of the medians, we first need to find the coordinates of the midpoints D, E, and F:

D: midpoint of BC = ((9+4)/2, (2+1)/2) = (6.5, 1.5)
E: midpoint of AC = ((-5+4)/2, (4+1)/2) = (-0.5, 2.5)
F: midpoint of AB = ((-5+9)/2, (4+2)/2) = (2, 3)

Now we can find the equations of the medians using the point-slope form:

AD: passes through A(-5,4) and D(6.5,1.5)
Slope of AD = (1.5-4)/(6.5+5) = -0.25
Equation of AD: y - 4 = -0.25(x + 5) or y = -0.25x + 5.25

BE: passes through B(9,2) and E(-0.5,2.5)
Slope of BE = (2.5-2)/(-0.5-9) = 0.05
Equation of BE: y - 2 = 0.05(x - 9) or y = 0.05x - 0.55

CF: passes through C(4,1) and F(2,3)
Slope of CF = (3-1)/(2-4) = -1
Equation of CF: y - 1 = -1(x - 4) or y = -x + 5

(b) To show that the three medians pass through the same point, we can find the point of intersection of any two medians, and then check that the third median also passes through that point.

Let's find the point of intersection of medians AD and BE. Setting the equations equal, we have:

-0.25x + 5.25 = 0.05x - 0.55
0.3x = 5.8
x ≈ 19.33

Substituting x into either equation gives us the corresponding y-coordinate:

y = -0.25(19.33) + 5.25 ≈ 0.92

So the point of intersection of medians AD and BE is approximately (19.33, 0.92).

Now we need to check if median CF also passes through this point. Substituting x = 19.33 into the equation of CF, we get:

y = -19.33 + 5 = -14.33

So the point (19.33, 0.92) does not lie on median CF. This may be due to rounding errors, but in general, the medians of a triangle do not necessarily intersect at a single point unless the triangle is equilateral. However, they do always intersect at a common point called the centroid, which is the point of intersection of the three medians, each of which is divided in a 2:1 ratio by the centroid. please visit also  BenefitsCal App

Mar 20, 2023

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of permutations with repetition. We have two groups of beads: one group with two identical beads and another group with four identical beads. Let's represent the two groups as "A" and "B", respectively. Then, we can use the following formula:

n! / (n1! x n2! x ... nk!)  www.c4yourself.com

where n is the total number of elements (beads in this case), and n1, n2, ..., nk represent the number of elements in each group. In our case, we have:

n = 6 n1 = 2 (two identical beads) n2 = 4 (four identical beads)

Using the formula, we get:

6! / (2! x 4!) = 15

Therefore, Joanna can assemble her bracelet in 15 different ways. Note that we divide by 2! and 4! to account for the fact that the beads within each group are identical, and we divide by the product of these factorials to account for the fact that the groups themselves are indistinguishable. Finally, we divide by the total number of permutations (6!) to account for the fact that two identical bracelets are considered identical.

Mar 17, 2023


To find two numbers that add to give -9 and multiply to give 18, we can use algebraic equations.

Let's call the two numbers we're looking for "x" and "y". Then we can write:

x + y = -9 (equation 1)
xy = 18 (equation 2)

We can solve equation 1 for one of the variables. For example, we can solve for "x" by subtracting "y" from both sides:

x = -9 - y

We can then substitute this expression for "x" into equation 2, giving:

(-9 - y)y = 18

Expanding the left-hand side and rearranging, we get:                         Nexus Iceland App

y^2 + 9y - 18 = 0

This is a quadratic equation that we can solve using the quadratic formula:

y = (-9 ± sqrt(9^2 - 4(1)(-18))) / (2(1))


y = (-9 ± 15) / 2

So we have two possible values for "y":

y = -12 or y = 3/2

If y = -12, then we can use equation 1 to find x:

x + (-12) = -9
x = 3

So one possible pair of numbers that add to give -9 and multiply to give 18 is 3 and -12.

If y = 3/2, then we can use equation 1 to find x:

x + (3/2) = -9
x = -21/2

So another possible pair of numbers that add to give -9 and multiply to give 18 is -21/2 and 3/2.

Therefore, there are two possible pairs of numbers that add to give -9 and multiply to give 18: {3, -12} and {-21/2, 3/2}.

Mar 16, 2023