i do that a lot, especially to your mom, Kid Danger. along with Ms.Swellview, Debbie's mom, etc.
well i guess flirting with girls was key to our victory over the vandalism gang known as the Wall Dogs, who damaged my playhouse as a kid even before I became indestructable
remember Veronica, Kid Danger, who most likely is your girlfriend now since she kissed you how many times, 7 times in a one hour episode?
she got distracted, and revealed the secret location of the Wall Dog's hideout for you, you spray painted the location on Jasper's back, then Charolette took a pic of Jasper's spray-painted back, sent it to me, and I found the base, took down Van Del, and the Wall Dogs ganbg is disbanned, for now
while you let Veronica live without going to jail, shot that helicopter's lights down