Bye starts tomorrow...gotta sleep easrly..bye.......and btw(i shall continue my steps to VICTORY hopefully tomorrow) see ya!
capt. Man and Kid Danger defended successfully the Queen's throne from the greedy members of Camelot (im from Royality, so Rosala dont complain that i also tried to take over camelot territory once). The queens throne is safe......for now.
anyways, good luck at 10th grade, Rosala!
this is good for channel 21 news!
Heather, get back on air! Weve been waiting for you since forever to make a news report!
this time, make it about capt. Man and kid danger
Ok ok! Geez calm down Titanium!
ill make the news report as soon as my bf stops flirting me. Its like hes with me 24/7
guys these days just want more girls ;)
thats probably the new rule of life
i do that a lot, especially to your mom, Kid Danger. along with Ms.Swellview, Debbie's mom, etc.
well i guess flirting with girls was key to our victory over the vandalism gang known as the Wall Dogs, who damaged my playhouse as a kid even before I became indestructable
remember Veronica, Kid Danger, who most likely is your girlfriend now since she kissed you how many times, 7 times in a one hour episode?
she got distracted, and revealed the secret location of the Wall Dog's hideout for you, you spray painted the location on Jasper's back, then Charolette took a pic of Jasper's spray-painted back, sent it to me, and I found the base, took down Van Del, and the Wall Dogs ganbg is disbanned, for now
while you let Veronica live without going to jail, shot that helicopter's lights down