Hi guest,
Thanks for your input, I'm looking at this now...no, the denominator is 840,Yep sorry, the 1st question (Which I did not post here), gave a different scenario, saying that a lock code must be even numbered, and may not contain digits 0 and 1. Digits may not be repeated. Calculate how many possible combinations are there to open the lock...This question here, is question 2, the second part...sorry about the confusion. So, we originally have 10 numbers. 0 an 1 may not be used, so we have 8 numbers, however the code must be even numbered, so we need to reserve one of the evens for the 4th spot, that leaves 7 numbers available...
First spot is one of 7 numbers, 2nd spot one of 6 numbers, 3rd spot one of 5 numbers and 4th spot, one of 4 numbers..
Thanks for your ijput, I'm looking at that now