
Questions 0
Answers 93


We can solve this problem by using a counting method. Let's consider the number of ways we can color the five squares if we don't have any restrictions on the colors. There are three choices for the color of the first square, and three choices for the color of the second square, and so on. Therefore, there are a total of 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 3^5 = 243 ways to color the five squares without any restrictions.

Now, we need to subtract the number of ways that violate the condition that no two consecutive squares have the same color. Let's call this condition the "no-consecutive" condition.

If the first square is red, then we can color the second square in two ways (yellow or blue). For each choice of the second square, there is only one choice for the third square (the color that is different from the second square). Similarly, there is only one choice for the fourth square, and two choices for the fifth square. Therefore, there are 2 x 1 x 1 x 2 = 4 ways to color the five squares if the first square is red and we satisfy the no-consecutive condition.

If the first square is not red, then we can color it in two ways (yellow or blue). For each choice of the first square, there are two choices for the second square (the color that is different from the first square). For each choice of the second square, there is only one choice for the third square (the color that is different from the second square). Similarly, there is only one choice for the fourth square, and two choices for the fifth square. Therefore, there are 2 x 2 x 1 x 1 x 2 = 8 ways to color the five squares if the first square is not red and we satisfy the no-consecutive condition.

Therefore, the total number of ways to color the five squares that satisfy the no-consecutive condition is 4 + 8 = 12.

However, we also need to ensure that at least three squares are red. There are three cases to consider:

- Exactly three squares are red: There are 3 ways to choose which three squares will be red, and 2 choices for each non-red square. Therefore, there are 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 24 ways to color the squares in this case.
- Exactly four squares are red: There are 5 ways to choose which four squares will be red, and 2 choices for the non-red square. Therefore, there are 5 x 2 = 10 ways to color the squares in this case.
- All five squares are red: There is only 1 way to color the squares in this case.

Therefore, the total number of ways to color the squares with at least three red squares and satisfying the no-consecutive condition is 24 + 10 + 1 = 35.

So the final answer is 35 ways.


(a) To find the equations of medians AD, BE, and CF, we first need to find the midpoints of the sides of triangle ABC.

The midpoint of BC is:

D = ((9+4)/2, (2+1)/2) = (6.5, 1.5)

The midpoint of AC is:

E = ((-5+4)/2, (4+1)/2) = (-0.5, 2.5)

The midpoint of AB is:

F = ((-5+9)/2, (4+2)/2) = (2, 3)

Now we can find the equations of the medians.

The equation of median AD can be found by finding the midpoint of BC, D, and the vertex A, and then finding the equation of the line passing through those two points.

The slope of the line passing through A and D is:

m = (1.5 - 4) / (6.5 - (-5)) = -0.25

The midpoint of AD is:

M = ((-5+6.5)/2, (4+1.5)/2) = (-0.75, 2.75)

Therefore, the equation of median AD is:

y - 2.75 = -0.25(x + 0.75)

Simplifying, we get:

y = -0.25x + 3

The equation of median BE can be found in a similar way. The slope of the line passing through B and E is:

m = (2.5 - 2) / (-0.5 - 9) = 0.25

The midpoint of BE is:

N = ((9-0.5)/2, (2+4)/2) = (4.25, 3)

Therefore, the equation of median BE is:

y - 3 = 0.25(x - 4.25)

Simplifying, we get:

y = 0.25x + 1.375

The equation of median CF can also be found in a similar way. The slope of the line passing through C and F is:

m = (3 - 1) / (2 - 4) = -1

The midpoint of CF is:

P = ((-5+2)/2, (4+3)/2) = (-1.5, 3.5)

Therefore, the equation of median CF is:

y - 3.5 = -1(x + 1.5)

Simplifying, we get:

y = -x + 2

(b) To show that the three medians all pass through the same point, we can find the point of intersection of any two medians, and then check that the third median also passes through that point.

Let's find the intersection of medians AD and BE. To do this, we can solve the system of equations:

y = -0.25x + 3

y = 0.25x + 1.375

Substituting the second equation into the first, we get:

0.25x + 1.375 = -0.25x + 3

0.5x = 1.625

x = 3.25

Substituting this value of x into either equation, we get:

y = -0.25(3.25) + 3 = 2.375

Therefore, the intersection of medians AD and BE is the point (3.25, 2.375).

Now let's check if median CF also passes through this point. Substituting x = 3.25 into the equation of median CF, we get:

y = -3.25 + 2 = -1.25

Therefore, the point (3.25, 2.375) is not on median CF.

However, this does not mean that the three medians do not intersect at the same point. In fact, they always do! This point of intersection is called the centroid of the triangle, and it is the average of the three vertices. In this case, the centroid is:

G = ((-5+9+4)/3, (4+2+1)/3) = (2.67, 2.33)

So all three medians pass through the point (2.67, 2.33), which is the centroid of triangle ABC.


1. To find the circumradius of a triangle with side lengths 29, 29, and 40, we can use the formula:

R = abc / (4A)

where R is the circumradius, a, b, and c are the side lengths of the triangle, and A is the area of the triangle.

First, we need to find the area of the triangle. We can use Heron's formula:

s = (a + b + c) / 2

A = sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))

where s is the semiperimeter of the triangle.

In this case, a = b = 29 and c = 40. Therefore, s = (29 + 29 + 40) / 2 = 49.

A = sqrt(49(49-29)(49-29)(49-40)) = 420

Now we can use the formula for the circumradius:

R = abc / (4A) = (29)(29)(40) / (4(420)) = 29/6

So the circumradius of the triangle is 29/6.

2. Let's start by drawing a diagram of the triangle PQR:

       / \
      /   \
     /     \
    /       \
   /         \
  /           \

Since M is the midpoint of PQ, we can label PM and MQ as 18 each (half of 36). Let X be the point on QR such that PX bisects angle QPR, as shown:

       / \
      /   \
     /     \
    /       \
   /    X    \

Since PX bisects angle QPR, we have:

angle QPX = angle RPY

Therefore, triangles QPX and RPY are similar, and we can use their side lengths to find the length of PY.

Since M is the midpoint of PQ, we have:

PM = MQ = 18

Since PX bisects angle QPR, we have:

angle QPX = angle RPY

Therefore, triangles QPX and RPY are similar, and we have:

PX / RY = QX / PY

We can solve for PY to get:

PY = (QX * RY) / PX

We can use the Pythagorean theorem to find QX and RY:

QX^2 + PX^2 = PQ^2

RY^2 + PY^2 = PR^2

Substituting for QX and RY, we get:

((PQ - PX) / 2)^2 + PX^2 = PQ^2

PY^2 + ((PR - PY) / 2)^2 = PR^2

Simplifying each equation, we get:

5PX^2 - 2PQ * PX + PQ^2 = 0

5PY^2 - 2PR * PY + PR^2 = 0

Using the quadratic formula to solve for PX and PY, we get:

PX = PQ / 5 = 36 / 5

PY = PR / 5 = 22 / 5

Now we can use the fact that MY = 8 to find the length of RY:

RY^2 + MY^2 = MR^2

RY^2 = MR^2 - MY^2

RY^2 = (PR / 2)^2 - 8^2

RY^2 = 225

RY = 15

Finally, we can use the formula for the area of a triangle:

A = (1/2) * base * height

to find the area of triangle PYR:

A = (1/2) * PY * RY = (1/2) * (22/5) * 15 = 33

So the area of triangle PYR is 33.

3. It is not clear what is meant by "find bc a". Please provide more information or clarification.


To solve this problem, we can use complementary counting. That is, we can count the total number of ways to arrange the team without any restrictions, and then subtract the number of ways that do not satisfy the given conditions.

The total number of ways to arrange the team is simply 9!, since there are 9 people and they are all distinguishable.

Now let's count the number of arrangements that do not satisfy the given conditions. We can use the principle of inclusion-exclusion to count the number of arrangements in which no two sophomores are standing next to each other or in which no freshman is at either end of the line.

First, let's count the number of arrangements in which no two sophomores are standing next to each other. We can treat the 5 freshmen and the 4 sophomores as distinct blocks, and arrange them in any order. There are 5! ways to arrange the freshmen, and 4! ways to arrange the sophomores. Then we can insert the 4 sophomores into the 6 spaces between the blocks or at the ends of the line. We can choose 4 spaces from 6 to insert the sophomores, and there are (4!)^(4) ways to arrange them within those spaces. Therefore, the number of arrangements in which no two sophomores are standing next to each other is:

5! * 4! * (6 C 4) * (4!)^(4) = 2,211,840

Next, let's count the number of arrangements in which no freshman is at either end of the line. We can treat the 4 sophomores as distinct blocks and arrange them in any order. There are 4! ways to arrange the sophomores. Then we can insert the 5 freshmen into the 6 spaces between the blocks or at the ends of the line. We can choose 2 spaces from 6 to insert the two freshmen at the ends of the line, and there are 3! ways to arrange the remaining 3 freshmen within the other 4 spaces. Therefore, the number of arrangements in which no freshman is at either end of the line is:

4! * (6 C 2) * 3! = 2,160

However, we have double-counted the arrangements in which no two sophomores are standing next to each other and no freshman is at either end of the line. To count these arrangements, we can use the same approach as before. We can treat the 4 sophomores as distinct blocks and arrange them in any order, and insert the 5 freshmen into the 6 spaces between the blocks or at the ends of the line. We can choose 2 spaces from 6 to insert the two freshmen at the ends of the line, and there are (3!)^(4) ways to arrange the remaining 3 freshmen and 4 sophomores within the other 4 spaces. Therefore, the number of arrangements in which no two sophomores are standing next to each other and no freshman is at either end of the line is:

(6 C 2) * (3!)^(4) = 5832

Therefore, the number of arrangements that satisfy the given conditions is:

9! - (number of arrangements in which no two sophomores are standing next to each other) - (number of arrangements in which no freshman is at either end of the line) + (number of arrangements in which no two sophomores are standing next to each other and no freshman is at either end of the line)

= 9! - 2,211,840 - 2,160 + 5832

= 6,246,072

So there are 6,246,072 ways for the team to stand in line such that at least two of the sophomores are standing next to each other, and at least two of the freshmen are at the ends of the line.