The units digit for powers of three is: 3,9,7,1,3... The 19th number will be 7.
The pattern for 9 is: 9,1,9... and the thirteenth number will be 9
Then we have 7*9, which has a units digit of 3
I think that was the original answer, but 'key'board occurred to me first
Well that's inconvenient, be careful which user you ban!
A keyboard! Well, if you launched it out of a cannon I suppose it open quite a few doors...
Yes, IP bans could be helpful, but it would also impact users who happen to have the same IP or are in the same building and such
I think having a couple of trolls here shouldn't make everyone suffer
Hi CPhill, please do! A lot of my posts have been censored lately and it's getting quite annoying. I suspect it also creates more work for the mods since they have to go around and unhide the false positives.
This is a blatant attempt to cheat at a Beast Academy problem (one of the little monsters is called Grogg apparently), I mean, come on! Your image literally links to a o p s! Please lock/delete this question